Monday, December 5, 2016

Forex Rbs

Noticias Forex


Reino Unido: Desaceleración del sector de servicios en el primer trimestre? - RBS

Ross Walker, Economista Principal del Reino Unido en RBS, señala que el sector de servicios ha sido el subcomponente de crecimiento más rápido del PIB del Reino Unido en el último año.

"Con la producción y la construcción de salida de la contratación de la economía es cada vez más dependiente del crecimiento de los servicios", pero en un momento en que varias encuestas clave (PMI, BoE Agentes Resultados, BCC) han disminuido significativamente. El índice de datos de servicios de enero proporcionará una mayor claridad sobre el ritmo probable de crecimiento del PIB en el primer trimestre.

Nuestra previsión es de 0.5%, pero con crecientes riesgos a la baja. Una parte del sector de servicios donde la actividad había sido más dinámica en los últimos meses fue la aprobación de hipotecas "como los prestatarios que tienen la intención de comprar un segundo intento de casa para llevar a cabo antes de cambios en el impuesto de timbre. Pero incluso aquí los datos de la encuesta BBA disminuyeron en febrero, así que buscamos una pequeña disminución en los datos oficiales del BoE.

A otras noticias

Según informó Bloomberg, la oficina del PM japonés emitió un aviso, señalando que el PM Shinzo Abe celebrará una tentativa de conferencia de prensa alrededor de las 06.20 GMT, y podría anunciar

David Wagner, Analista de Investigación de Nomura, señala que de acuerdo con los datos de IMM para la semana que terminó el 22 de marzo, las cuentas no comerciales vendieron USD por la suma de - $ 0.6bn, llevando el posicionamiento en USD

Imre Speizer, estratega de mercado de Westpac, señala que la semana pasada NZD / USD probado, pero fue repelido por, la parte superior de un rango de contratación que se ha formado desde septiembre de 2015.

Todos los derechos reservados. 2012 - 2016 & copia;

TenkoFX Limited 55 Southern Foreshore, Belice, C. A.

Envíenos un correo electrónico o deje sus comentarios

Un comerciante de RBS disparado dice que fue "chivo expiatorio" por la multa FX

(Añade comentarios de la audiencia judicial, detalles)

Por Steve Slater

LONDRES (Reuters) - Un ex comerciante de divisas despedido por el Royal Bank of Scotland dijo que era un chivo expiatorio y que el banco respaldado por el Estado había "deshonestamente" planeado su despido para desviar la atención de sus propias fallas.

Ian Drysdale está demandando el despido injusto en una corte de Londres después de ser despedido en febrero por RBS para la mala conducta grosera. El banco dice que Drysdale compartió en las salas de chat información confidencial sobre las actividades comerciales de clientes, incluido el banco central de Rusia, con los comerciantes de otros bancos.

"Ellos tuvieron que encontrar chivos expiatorios relevantes, de los cuales yo era uno", dijo Drysdale en una audiencia del tribunal de Londres el miércoles.

RBS, que es propiedad del 73 por ciento del gobierno del Reino Unido, fue multada con 217 millones de libras esterlinas (330 millones de dólares) por el regulador financiero de Gran Bretaña y 290 millones por las autoridades estadounidenses en noviembre de 2014, uno de los bancos que recibió sanciones por no detener a los comerciantes supuestamente manipulando FX Mercados.

"Creo que la verdadera razón de mi destitución fue desviar la atención de los propios fracasos admitidos por el entrevistado (RBS)", dijo Drysdale en una declaración de testigos.

Dijo que RBS "deliberadamente y deshonestamente logró despedirme por razones ajenas a mi conducta".

Drysdale dijo que le habían advertido que no había ninguna perspectiva de que sería empleado como un comerciante de FX mientras su despido se mantuvo en su lugar, debido a la multa pública por RBS y la forma en que se había conectado a ella.

"No creo que se haya llevado a cabo una investigación justa: un proceso fue adoptado enteramente con la intención de despedirme." Las personas mayores del encuestado han colaborado para dar una impresión diferente ", dijo.

Andrew Cross, director de riesgos corporativos de RBS, quien manejó la apelación interna de Drysdale luego de ser despedido, dijo que el despido estaba justificado.

"No tuve la sensación de que el demandante adaptó su comportamiento en cualquier momento, a pesar de un claro estrechamiento de los estándares de conducta en toda la industria", dijo Cross en su declaración de testigos.

Drysdale dijo que no hizo nada malo en las salas de chat. RBS dijo que utilizó palabras clave como "rojo" para el banco central ruso, que reveló información comercial.

Cross dijo que en los últimos años hubo un claro cambio en las expectativas y los estándares en la industria que obligaba al personal a "modificar su comportamiento".

"Él (Drysdale) estaba haciendo conscientemente cosas que estaban en el lado equivocado de la línea", dijo Cross.

Dijo que RBS miró a 79 personas en todos los niveles del banco como parte de su investigación sobre la actividad en el negocio spot FX G10. Drysdale había sido identificado dentro de la investigación y él era parte de la primera fase y el análisis y la investigación continúa, dijo.

RBS ha despedido a tres empleados y suspendido a dos empleados como parte de su investigación.

La audiencia debe continuar el jueves.

Drysdale fue uno de los varios operadores despedidos a raíz de las investigaciones sobre el supuesto mercado de divisas y la manipulación del tipo de interés Libor que ahora demandan a los bancos por despido injustificado en los tribunales de empleo de Londres.

A principios de este mes, el ex operador de Citigroup FX Perry Stimpson afirmó que fue injustamente despedido, diciendo que el intercambio de información de los clientes era generalizado y aprobado por la alta dirección en ese momento.

Otros antiguos comerciantes de Citigroup, Lloyds y HSBC también han presentado reclamaciones. ($ 1 = 0.6585 libras) (Edición de Mark Heinrich)

Noticias Forex


PMI de fabricación en el Reino Unido debido a un rebote parcial? RBS

Ross Walker, Economista Senior del Reino Unido en RBS, señala que el PMI manufacturero del Reino Unido cayó fuertemente en febrero, cuando la encuesta hasta ahora resiliente comenzó a converger con los datos oficiales recesivos.

- El rendimiento de 50,8 de febrero marcó un mínimo de dos años, por lo que esperamos un modesto repunte en marzo a 51,3, consistente con la mejora de los últimos datos de la zona del euro (~flash ™ PMI 51,4 de 51,2, IFO alemán 106,7 de 105,7) .

A otras noticias

Según informó Bloomberg, la oficina del PM japonés emitió un aviso, señalando que el PM Shinzo Abe celebrará una tentativa de conferencia de prensa alrededor de las 06.20 GMT, y podría anunciar

David Wagner, Analista de Investigación de Nomura, señala que de acuerdo con los datos de IMM para la semana que terminó el 22 de marzo, las cuentas no comerciales vendieron USD por la suma de - $ 0.6bn, llevando el posicionamiento en USD

Imre Speizer, estratega de mercado de Westpac, señala que la semana pasada NZD / USD probado, pero fue repelido por, la parte superior de un rango de contratación que se ha formado desde septiembre de 2015.

Todos los derechos reservados. 2012 - 2016 & copia;

TenkoFX Limited 55 Southern Foreshore, Belice, C. A.

Envíenos un correo electrónico o deje sus comentarios

LIBERACIÓN: pr6510-13

6 de febrero de 2013

CFTC ordena al Royal Bank of Scotland plc ya RBS Securities Japan Limited que paguen una multa de 325 millones de dólares para liquidar cargos de manipulación, intento de manipulación y falsa notificación de yenes y francos suizos LIBOR

Con esta Orden, la CFTC ha impuesto ahora sanciones de más de $ 1.2 mil millones a los bancos por conducta manipuladora con respecto a LIBOR y otros tipos de interés de referencia

La Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Mercancías de los Estados Unidos (CFTC, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció hoy una orden contra el Banco Real de Escocia plc y RBS Securities Japan Limited (colectivamente, RBS o el Banco), llevando y liquidando cargos de manipulación exitosa, Y los informes falsos relacionados con el LIBOR para el yen y el franco suizo, que son tipos de interés de referencia críticos para los mercados financieros y el público. La Orden exige que RBS pague una sanción monetaria civil de $ 325 millones, cese y desista de otras violaciones como se le cobran y tome medidas especificas para asegurar la integridad y confiabilidad de LIBOR y otras presentaciones de tasas de interés de referencia, incluyendo mejorar los controles internos relacionados.

• La integridad de LIBOR depende de la información veraz proporcionada por un selecto grupo de algunos de los bancos más importantes del mundo. El público se ve privado de una tasa de interés honesta de referencia cuando un grupo de comerciantes se sienta en torno a un escritorio durante años haciendo girar falsamente las presentaciones LIBOR de su banco, tratando de fabricar operaciones ganadoras. Eso es lo que sucedió en RBS ", dijo David Meister, director de la CFTC de la aplicación de la ley.

La Orden constata que:

• En fecha tan reciente como 2010 y que se remonta a por lo menos mediados de 2006, RBS hizo cientos de intentos de manipular el yen y el franco suizo LIBOR, e hizo falsas presentaciones LIBOR para beneficiar a sus derivados y posiciones en el mercado monetario; RBS logró a veces manipular el Yen y el Franco Suizo LIBOR;

• A veces, RBS ayudaba e incitaba a otros bancos de paneles a intentar manipular esas mismas tarifas;

• La mala conducta involucró a más de una docena de derivados de RBS y comerciantes del mercado monetario, un gerente y múltiples oficinas en todo el mundo, incluyendo Londres, Singapur y Tokio; y

• La conducta ilegal continuó incluso después de que los comerciantes de RBS supieron que una investigación LIBOR había sido iniciada por la CFTC.

Con esta Orden, la CFTC ha impuesto ahora sanciones de más de $ 1.2 mil millones a los bancos por conducta manipuladora con respecto a los envíos de LIBOR y otros tipos de interés de referencia, y ha requerido que cada banco cumpla con compromisos especificando los factores sobre los cuales deben presentarse, Incluyendo la determinación de las transacciones de subastas enfocadas y requerir la implementación de controles internos y políticas necesarias para asegurar la integridad y confiabilidad de las presentaciones. Con los compromisos, cada banco representa que sus presentaciones de tasas de interés de referencia • se basarán en una evaluación rigurosa y honesta de la información y no estarán influenciadas por conflictos de intereses internos o externos, u otros factores o información ajenos a las reglas aplicables a la Colocación de un [b] enchmark [i] nterest [r] ate, según la Orden.

De acuerdo con la Orden CFTC†™ s contra RBS, las diversas formas en que RBS llevó a cabo su esquema de manipulación todos siguieron un patrón similar. La rentabilidad de las posiciones en derivados de Yen y francos suizos de RBS, tales como swaps de tasas de interés, dependía del yen y del LIBOR suizo, al igual que ciertas posiciones de RBS en el mercado monetario. Los comerciantes de RBS pedirían a sus colegas que hicieran presentaciones falsas de LIBOR que eran beneficiosas para las posiciones comerciales de RBS. Las solicitudes de los comerciantes eran para presentaciones falsamente altas o falsamente bajas, lo que era necesario para obtener un beneficio. Los peticionarios a menudo respondieron a esas peticiones haciendo declaraciones falsas. Algunos de estos presentadores eran incluso los propios comerciantes, y sesgada sus presentaciones LIBOR para impulsar la rentabilidad de su propio mercado de dinero y las posiciones de negociación de derivados.

RBS creó un ambiente para un número de años que facilitó la trayectoria a la manipulación colocando los comerciantes y los remitentes derivados en el mismo escritorio, aumentando el conflicto del interés entre los motivos del beneficio de los comerciantes y la responsabilidad de presentadores para hacer sumisiones honestas. Cuando los comerciantes de derivados y los remitentes finalmente fueron separados (por negocios, no razones de cumplimiento), la mala conducta continuó a través de chats de Bloomberg y un sistema interno de mensajería instantánea.

Según la Orden, los operadores de derivados de RBS también trabajaron ilegalmente con un comerciante de una filial de UBS AG (UBS), otro banco de paneles LIBOR, en intentos de manipular LIBOR de Yen, y con un comerciante de otro banco de paneles en intentos de manipular a suizos Franco LIBOR. RBS también ayudó y fomentó los intentos de UBS para manipular LIBOR YEN ejecutando operaciones de lavado (operaciones que dan lugar a nulidades financieras) para generar comisiones adicionales de corretaje para compensar a dos corredores interdealer por ayudar a UBS en su conducta de manipulación ilegal. En al menos una ocasión, RBS también solicitó la asistencia de un corredor interdealer para influir en las presentaciones de múltiples bancos de panel en un intento de manipular LIBOR Yen.

La Orden encuentra que RBS intentó manipular el yen y el LIBOR suizo LIBOR incluso después de que surgieron preguntas en los medios en 2007 y 2008 sobre la integridad de las presentaciones LIBOR de los bancos, las revisiones LIBOR y la orientación de la Asociación Británica de Bancos en 2008 y 2009, La solicitud de la CFTC en abril de 2010 de que RBS conduzca una investigación interna relacionada con sus prácticas LIBOR en dólares estadounidenses. De hecho, algunos empleados de RBS involucrados en la conducta indebida eran conscientes de la investigación LIBOR, pero continuaron su conducta manipuladora y trataron de ocultar la conducta al minimizar el uso de mensajes escritos para llevar a cabo el plan.

La orden concluye que los comerciantes de RBS pudieron llevar a cabo sus muchos intentos de manipular el yen y el LIBOR suizo durante años debido a que RBS carecía de controles internos, procedimientos y políticas concernientes a sus procesos de presentación de LIBOR y no supervisó adecuadamente sus mesas de operaciones y Comerciantes RBS no instituyó ningún control, procedimiento o política significativa sobre las presentaciones de LIBOR hasta el mes de junio de 2011. Durante este tiempo, RBS experimentó un crecimiento significativo en sus mesas de comercio de Yen y Swiss Franc, generando ingresos para RBS que se estaban multiplicando a lo largo de los años.

La Orden CFTC también reconoce la cooperación de RBS con la División de Ejecución en su investigación.

En acciones relacionadas por el Departamento de Justicia de EE. UU., RBS Securities Japan Limited accedió a declararse culpable de un cargo penal por fraude electrónico, el Royal Bank of Scotland plc celebró un acuerdo de prórroga diferido por el cual continuaría cooperando con el Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos A cambio del aplazamiento del fraude de alambre criminal y los cargos antimonopolio, y RBS colectivamente aceptó una sanción de $ 150 millones. Además, la Autoridad de Servicios Financieros del Reino Unido (FSA) emitió una Notificación Final sobre sus medidas de ejecución contra The Royal Bank of Scotland plc e impuso una sanción de 87,5 millones de euros, equivalente a aproximadamente 137 millones de dólares.

La CFTC agradece y agradece la valiosa asistencia de la FSA, del Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos, de la Oficina de Campo de Washington de la Oficina Federal de Investigación, de la Comisión de Valores de Estados Unidos, de la Autoridad Monetaria de Singapur y de la Agencia de Servicios Financieros del Gobierno de Japón, la Comisión Australiana de Valores e Inversiones y la Comisión de Valores y Futuros de Hong Kong.

Los miembros del equipo de la División de Enforcement de la CFTC responsables de este caso son Jonathan K. Huth, Aimé © Latimer-Zayets, Brian G. Mulherin, Maura M. Viehmeyer, Rishi K. Gupta, Timothy M. Kirby, Terry Mayo, Elizabeth Padgett, Anne M. Termine, Philip P. Tumminio, Jason T. Wright, Gretchen L. Lowe y Vincent A. McGonagle. El personal de la CFTC de la División de Supervisión del Mercado y la Oficina del Economista Jefe también colaboraron en la investigación de este asunto.


Yen LIBOR Conducta Manipulativa Dentro de RBS:

20 de agosto de 2007: (Énfasis agregado.) (Orden RBS pp. 17-18.)

Yen Trader 4: where†™ s jóvenes [Yen Trader 1] pensando en establecerlo?

Yen Trader 1: dónde te gustaría [,] libor que es [,] igual que ayer es llamada

Yen Trader 4: jaja, contento de haber aclarado. Sentimientos mezclados, pero sobre todo me gustaría que todo lo inferior para que el mundo empieza a tener un poco más de sentido.

Senior Yen Trader: todo el mundo HF [hedge fund] estará besándote en lugar de llamarme si libor se mueve más abajo

Yen Trader 1: ok, voy a mover la curva hacia abajo [,] 1bp [,] tal vez más [,] si puedo

Senior Yen Trader: tal vez después de mañana la fijación hehehe

Yen Trader 1: bien [,] irá con lo mismo que ayer entonces

Comerciante Senior de Yen: cool

Yen Trader 1: tal vez un toque más alto mañana

20 de agosto de 2007: (Énfasis agregado.) (Reflejando la conciencia de la conducta de UBS.) (Orden RBS págs. 14-15.)

Senior Yen Trader: este ajuste libor es obtener nueces

Banco A Comerciante: estoy desconcertado por qué 3m libor fijación no viene después de la acción FED

Banco B Trader: [UBS] está prestando muñecas a través de mis monedas en 3 meses u verlo haciendo lo mismo en urs

Senior Yen Trader: sí [,] siempre llevó usd en mi mkt [,] el jpy libor es un cártel ahora

Senior Yen Trader: es simplemente sorprendente cómo libor fijación puede hacer que mucho dinero

Senior Yen Trader: es un cártel ahora en londres [.] Que golpean todos los irs 1yr. Y arreglarlo muy alto o bajo

5 de diciembre de 2007: (Énfasis añadido.) (Orden RBS, página 15.)

Yen Trader 2: FYI libors más alto de nuevo hoy

Comerciante de Yenes 4: ucks. Mantener la nuestra baja si poss. No entiendo por qué tiene que subir en yenes

Yen Trader 2: no razón dude [,] [Banco C] y [Banco D] fue alto yest

Yen Trader 4: enviar a los chicos alrededor

Yen Manager: pura manipulación en curso

2 de abril de 2008: (Énfasis añadido.) (Orden RBS pág.

Senior Yen Trader: nice libor [.] Nuestra fijación 6m mover toda la fijación [.] Hahahah

Yen Trader 1: el BBA llamó para preguntarme sobre eso hoy

Yen mayor comerciante: realmente?

Yen Trader 1: sí

Yen mayor comerciante: se quejan?

Yen Trader 1: pidió hablar conmigo sobre la baja tasa de 6 millones

Yen Trader 1: no [,] sólo para asegurarse de que estaba feliz con él

Senior Yen Trader: Creo que algunos bancos deben haber quejarse

Yen Trader 1: llamó b4 cualquiera de los otros bancos vieron nuestros datos [,] a las 11.15 [,] para comprobar que estaba bien

Comerciante Senior de Yen: Ah, entonces está bien

Yen Trader 1: antes de publicar

Senior Yen Trader: estoy seguro de que algunos HF [hedge fund] se quejará mañana.

Yen Trader 1: difícil

Senior Yen Trader: diremos que bajamos cada tenor. 1m 3m 6m. Nos sentimos rbs nombre tiene muy buen crédito .. no hay problema conseguir dinero en

Senior Yen Trader: buena manera de impulsar el precio de las acciones!

Senior Yen Trader: nuestro libor 3m está en el extremo superior № 6m en el extremo inferior ... sólo el nivel ideal!

3 de septiembre de 2009: (Orden RBS pág.

Comerciante de Yenes Superior: [Yen Trader 6], puede pedirle al [Contribuyente Principal] que caiga 3m Libor por 1 bps? Hold 6m libor unchange [sic] gracias

Yen Trader 6: Sí [,] va a su escritorio ahora [,] yup, 6s va unch, 3s se reducirá por 1

Senior Yen Trader: domo

14 y 15 de septiembre de 2009: (Énfasis agregado.) (El Peticionario Principal acepta cambiar la dirección de las presentaciones durante dos días consecutivos.) (Orden RBS, página 16.)

Yen Trader 1: altos 3s y 6s por favor

Enviado Principal: ok

Yen Trader 1: podemos bajar nuestras fijaciones hoy por favor [Submitter principal]

Remitente principal: hacer su mente [,] jaja. Si no probs

Yen Trader 1: soy como una puta cajones

Participación de Yen Managerâ € ™ s

22 de agosto de 2007: (Orden RBS pp. 10-11, 18.)

Yen Manager: Hola Mate, dónde estás llamando el Libor 6m y 3s hoy?

Yen Trader 1: pongo 1.05 y 1.15

Gerente de Yen: ok cool. Es eso cercano al consenso?

Yen Trader 1: creo que mis 3s son demasiado altos [,] 6s prob será 1.13 también [,] pero quería soluciones de alta hoy

Yen Manager: ok cool [,] su todos una variable aleatoria para nosotros en esta etapa es sólo tenemos algunas pequeñas fijaciones

Yen Trader 1: bien me dejó saber si tiene preferencves [sic] [,] cada día

Yen Manager: thx hará

3 de diciembre de 2007: (Orden RBS p.11)

Yen Manager: para la elección queremos libors más bajos. Deje a los tipos [del mercado de dinero saber pls

Yen Trader 2: estoy seguro de que estoy fijando hoy como [Yen Trader 1] y el tipo de dinero fuera [Submitter Principal]

Yen Manager: gran conjunto agradable y bajo

Yen Trader 2: 1.02 en 6m o menos

Gerente de Yen: yeh lower

Yen Trader 2: 1.01 entonces realmente no puedo ir mucho más bajo que eso

Yen Trader 2: cuidado de u para 1m y 3m también [?] Mira a mí como el mapa del fra bastante plano

Gerente de Yen: baja generalmente tio

Yen Trader 2: genial

Yen Manager: dentro de los límites aceptables

YEN Libor Conciliación Con UBS:

15 de febrero de 2007: (Orden RBS, página 20.)

Yen Trader 2: Cuántas personas pueden u poner este 1m libor bajo

UBS Yen Trader: bien nosotros [,] [Banco E,] y algunos otros pienso

21 de febrero de 2007: (Orden RBS, página 20.)

Yen Trader 2: lo que ur chicos llamando 3 libor [?] Tenemos que conseguir algunas soluciones bajas

UBS Yen Trader: .64 [,] sí pedirá baja baja alta [,] 1m 3m 6m

Yen Trader 2: nuestro chico está de acuerdo, pero cree que será 67 [,] no es bueno

UBS Yen Trader: ¡de ninguna manera!

UBS Yen Trader: [...] asegúrese de que sus chicos establecen 1m bajo y 3m

Yen Trader 2: se intentará sin embargo [Yen Trader 1 / backup Yen remitente LIBOR] quiere alta 3s y 6s

Comerciante de Yenes de UBS: también queremos los altos 6? No deje que [Yen Trader 1] mantener 3 metros de altura para ayudar [Comerciante Yen Superior] [,] odio a ese tipo

7 de mayo de 2008: (Orden RBS, página 21.)

UBS Yen Trader: Hola [Sterling Cash Trader] si esto es que usted puede usted pls pedir un bajo 6m en jpy para los próximos días [.] Espero que esté bien, fue bueno verte la semana pasada [.] Cheers [UBS Yen Comerciante]

Sterling Cash Trader: Hola compañero, lo mencioné a nuestro tipo el viernes y él parecía no tener ningún problema con él, así que los dedos cruzados.

Franco Suizo LIBOR Conducta Manipulativa Dentro de RBS:

4 de diciembre de 2008: (Énfasis agregado.) (Orden RBS p.25-26.)

Franc suizo Trader: u puede poner 6 millones de libor suizo en pls bajos?

Enviado Principal: NO

Franco suizo Trader: debería haber empujado la puerta más difícil

Remitente principal: Qué vale?

Franco suizo Trader: ive conseguido algunos rollos de sushi de ayer?

Enviado Principal: ok low 6m. Sólo para ti

Franco Suizo Trader: wooooooohooooooo [,] 0,01%? Eso sería asombroso

Remitente principal: 1.33

Franco Suizo Trader: perfecto [.] U r un buen hombre

30 de enero de 2009: (Orden RBS 26-27).

Franc suizo Trader: altos 3m libors pls.

Enviado Principal: 0.50 ??

Remitente principal: 0.51

Remitente principal: 0.52

Remitente principal: 0.53

Franco Suizo Trader: 0.54

Franco Suizo Trader: 0.54

Franco Suizo Trader: 0.54

Franco Suizo Trader: 0.54

Franco Suizo Trader: 0.54

Franco Suizo Trader: 0.54

Franco Suizo Trader: 0.54

Franco Suizo Trader: 0.54

Franco suizo Trader: y bajo 6m

Enviado Principal: Ok i get ya

Francos suizos Trader: 0.65

Francos suizos Trader: 0.65

Francos suizos Trader: 0.65

Francos suizos Trader: 0.65

Enviado Principal: ok

Enviado Principal: libors según lo solicitado

Franco suizo Trader: usted un perro superior

5 de mayo de 2009: (Orden RBS, página 27.)

Franc suizo Trader: podemos conseguir 3m altos, 6m bajos pls!

Enviado principal: quizás


Remitente principal: ok 41 52

Franco suizo Trader: perfecto perfecto

14 de mayo de 2009: (Énfasis agregado.) (Orden RBS 28-29.)

Vendedor del franco suizo: [Remitente primario] los pls podemos conseguir los 3m estupendos 3m altos estupendo 6m

Franc suizo Trader: ¡BASTANTE POR FAVOR!

Presentador Principal: 41 & amp; 51

Franco suizo Trader: si u hizo que [,] i lvoe [sic] u para siempre

Presentador Principal: 41 & amp; 55 entonces ...

Franco suizo Trader: si u hizo que me gustaría venir allí y hacer el amor a usted [,] su elección

Presentador Principal: 41 + 51 es

Franco suizo Trader: thouht [sic] así

Enviado principal: tan superficial

RBS Collusion con Interdealer Brokers:

26 de junio de 2009: (Énfasis agregado.) (Orden RBS, página 24.)

Interdealer Broker B. Hola compañero, [Yen Trader 1]? Estás todo listo?

Comerciante de Yenes 1. Sí.

Interdealer Broker B. Bien, escucha, hemos tenido un par de palabras con ellos, quieres que bajen a la derecha?

Comerciante de Yenes 1. Sí.

Interdealer Broker B. Muy bien, bien, escucha, hemos tenido un par de palabras con ellos. Quieres que bajen, verdad?

Comerciante de Yenes 1. Sí.

Interdealer Broker B. Está bien, está bien, está bien, no, estamos bien solo confirmándolo. Hasta ahora hemos hablado con el Banco F. Hemos hablado con un par de personas para que podamos ver de dónde vienen bien. Hemos hablado, básicamente un segundo, básicamente hablamos con el [Banco F], [Banco G], [Banco H], con quién más hable? [Banco I]. Hay un par de otras personas con las que los chicos han hablado pero como un equipo básicamente hemos dicho que queremos un poco más bajo para que podamos ver dónde vienen bien?

Comerciante de Yenes 1. Aclamaciones.

Interdealer Broker B. Saludos no se preocupe compañero.

3 de marzo de 2010: (Énfasis agregado.) (Ex-Comerciante en Efectivo Sterling ahora empleado por Interdealer Broker A.) (Orden RBS, página 22.)

Ex Sterling Cash Trader: puedo recoger tu cerebro?

Enviado Principal: yeah

Ex Sterling Cash Trader: u ver 3m jpy libor ir a cualquier lugar btween ahora y imm?

Enviado Principal: Parece bastante estático para ser honesto. Poseen más presión en la parte superior. pero no mucho

Ex Sterling Cash Trader: oh [,] tenemos un amigo en común que nos encantaría verlo bajar, no hay ninguna posibilidad en absoluto?

Enviado Principal: haha ​​[antiguo Comerciante de Yenes de UBS en el Banco C] por casualidad

Ex-comerciante en efectivo de la libra esterlina: shhh

Enviado Principal: hehehe. La mina debe permanecer plana. Siempre me conviene si algo ir más bajo como i rcve fondos

Ex Sterling Cash Trader: gotcha, gracias, y, si u cud ver ur camino a una pequeña gota podría haber un bistec en él para ya, jaja

Remitente principal: notado ;-)

Ex Sterling Cash Trader: 8-)

RBS Yen comerciante contratado en Washington Trades para compensar corredores

19 de septiembre de 2008: (Orden RBS, página 23.)

Interdealer Broker B: Puedes hacerme un favor? No vas a pagar ningún hermano por esto y te mandaremos el almuerzo por toda la mesa. Puede usted plana ... puede cambiar dos años semi a 5 3/4. 100 yardas [entre 100.000 millones de dólares] entre UBS. Basta con ... tomarlo de UBS, devolverlo a UBS. Quiere pagar un bro. No te vamos a matar.

Yen Trader 1: Sí, sí

Interdealer Broker B: Sí. Sí. 100 yardas ... de verdad puedes hacer 150 y enviaré el almuerzo alrededor para todo el mundo?

Yen Trader 1: Sí.

Interdealer Broker B: Muchas gracias. Aclamaciones. Saludos, mate y tú eliges el almuerzo.

Continuación de la conducta después del inicio de la investigación:

22 de noviembre de 2010: (Subrayado añadido.) (Orden RBS pág.

Comerciante del yen mayor: hey. Crees que podremos convencer al [Enviado Principal] de cambiar el Libor hoy?

Yen Trader 1: puedo probar

Senior Yen Trader: necesita bajar 3mth Libor y caminar 6m Libor cayó 6m por 2 bps el viernes pasado

Yen Trader 1: en este momento la FED está sobre nosotros sobre libors

Comerciante Senior de Yen: eso es por el USD?

Senior Yen Trader: dun pensar que nadie se preocupa JPY libor

Yen Trader 1: todavía no [,] voy a caminar sobre ot [sic] ellos

24 de noviembre de 2010: (Reflejando la negativa fingida sobre Bloomberg Chat, inmediatamente seguida de acuerdo en la conversación telefónica.) (Orden RBS págs. 30-31).

Senior Yen Trader: se preguntaba si le conviene a los chicos de senderismo hasta 1 pb en el Libor 6mth en JPY. Ayudará enormemente nuestra posición

Remitente principal: cómo estás haciendo con todas las volatilidades en estos días. Para ser honesto feliz con los niveles que vemos en el momento

Senior Yen Trader: ok no prob. Wouldn? T quiere causar ningún problema. gracias amigo

Senior Yen Trader: Hola?

Enviado Principal: Mañana, [Comerciante Senior de Yen]? Hola, [Peticionario principal].

Yen Senior Trader: Sí, cómo estás?

Enviado Principal: I'm muy buen señor. Muy bien. Simplemente no, no se nos permite tener esas conversaciones sobre [mensajes instantáneos].

Senior Yen Trader: Oh, lo siento por eso. No lo sabía.

Enviado Principal: (risas)

Senior Yen Trader: (risas) Oh, por la, la cosa BBA?

Enviado Principal: Sí, exactamente.

Senior Yen Trader: Ah, bien, bien.

Enviado Primario: Así que sí, déjalo conmigo, y uh, no será un problema.

Comerciante Senior de Yen: Ok, genial.

Contacto con los medios de comunicación Dennis Holden 202-418-5088

Última actualización: 6 de febrero de 2013

JPY: Calendario de datos empacados en Japón la semana que viene & # 8211; RBS

Brian Daingerfield, estratega de operaciones de FX en RBS, sugiere que el calendario de datos está empacado en Japón la próxima semana como concluye el año fiscal.

"El más crítico de los lanzamientos podría resultar ser la encuesta Tankan del 1T de BoJ. La opinión positiva del Banco de Japón sobre la economía nacional y la inflación se debe en gran parte a una perspectiva empresarial positiva y, con ella, a mayores salarios. PM Abe admitió esta semana que esperaba más de las rondas de sueldos de primavera, y varios empleadores grandes revelaron aumentos salariales menores este año que en el año anterior o salarios estancados.

La fortaleza en el YEN puede pesar en las perspectivas corporativas, y una desaceleración en la encuesta de Tankan consolidaría nuestras expectativas de un nuevo alivio de la BoJ en su próxima reunión a fines de abril. Antes de la encuesta de Tankan, los datos de febrero sobre la inflación, el empleo y los inicios de vivienda se publican. Como de costumbre, la tendencia en el flujo semanal de fondos de datos debe ser monitoreado - con las tasas nominales JGB ahora negativo a 10 años, ha habido un repunte significativo en la demanda de los inversionistas japoneses para los bonos extranjeros.

Brian Daingerfield, estratega de operaciones de FX en RBS, sugiere que el calendario de datos está empacado en Japón la próxima semana como concluye el año fiscal.

(Noticias de Mercado proporcionadas por FXstreet)

Mensaje de navegación

RBS 'envía transcripciones a FCA en la investigación forex'

Según informes, el banco entregó detalles a la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera (FCA, por sus siglas en inglés) de comunicaciones de uno de sus empleados que ocurrieron en un sistema de mensajería instantánea después de que una investigación interna descubrió un comportamiento inapropiado.

Se cree que el empleado sin nombre dejó a RBS hace varios años, con su partida no relacionada con la supuesta manipulación.

El banco, propiedad de 83pc de los contribuyentes, inició una investigación sobre los tipos de cambio de ajuste a petición de la FCA después de sugerencias durante el verano que los comerciantes de numerosos bancos globales trataron de obtener de la manipulación de las monedas. Varias otras instituciones se cree que han seguido el ejemplo.

A principios de esta semana, los reguladores europeos dijeron que estaban investigando el asunto, y Finma, el organismo de control suizo, lanzó una investigación la semana pasada, alegando que varios bancos alrededor del mundo, Podría estar implicado por la investigación.

Alrededor de 4.7 billones de dólares (£ 3 billones) cambia de manos cada día en los mercados de divisas. Los comerciantes son alegados para haber colocado sus propias órdenes antes de sus clientes para ganar de cambios de precio.

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Mensaje para clientes en el Reino Unido

El Banco Real de Escocia plc (RBS) cerró la plataforma de comercio de CFD ¨RBS marketindex” el 8 de noviembre de 2013 a las 16:00 CET. Las posiciones que permanecían abiertas al cierre de operaciones el 8 de noviembre de 2013 fueron cerradas por RBS como parte del proceso de cierre y terminación de cuentas.

Cuando se confirmó una cuenta de referencia de clientes, se devolvieron los saldos remanentes de las cuentas de Live. Todos los fondos no reclamados que permanezcan en las cuentas de marketindex Live de customers†™, a 6 de diciembre de 2013, serán mantenidos por RBS por un período de quince (15) años a partir de la fecha de cierre del negocio.

Si cree que tiene fondos no reclamados en su cuenta de marketindex de RBS, póngase en contacto con nosotros utilizando los detalles proporcionados a continuación, donde nuestro personal podrá ayudarle a localizar y recuperar el dinero.

Para localizar cualquier fondo, nos ayudaría si usted puede proporcionar cualquiera de sus detalles de la cuenta de marketindex (por ejemplo, número de cuenta de marketindex, nombre de usuario / dirección de correo electrónico, números de caso marketindex).

Le pediremos que nos envíe una identificación con fotografía, como su pasaporte válido actual o la licencia de conducir de Reino Unido, y un extracto bancario fechado dentro de los últimos 6 meses como prueba de su dirección residencial actual y número de cuenta de referencia actualizado.

Participamos en el Plan de Activos no Reclamados establecido en virtud de la Ley de Cuentas de la Sociedad del Banco y el Edificio Inmueble de 2008. El propósito del régimen es permitir que los fondos de cuentas inactivas (es decir, cuentas inactivas o inactivas de quince años o más) El beneficio de la comunidad mientras se protegen los derechos de los clientes a reclamar su dinero.

En virtud del régimen, los fondos de cuentas no reclamados pueden transferirse a Reclaim Fund Ltd (RFL). RFL es un fondo sin fines de lucro que está autorizado por la Autoridad de Regulación Prudencial y regulado por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera y la Autoridad de Regulación Prudencial.

Si tiene fondos no reclamados en su cuenta de marketindex Live, sus derechos en relación con la cuenta y el derecho al saldo no se ven afectados. RFL no tiene información o registros de clientes en relación con los saldos de la cuenta de marketindex transferidos y debe seguir contactando con el Royal Bank of Scotland plc si tiene alguna pregunta o queja relacionada con su cuenta.

Tanto nosotros como el RFL participamos en el Esquema de Compensación de Servicios Financieros (FSCS). The transfer to RFL of marketindex account balances will not adversely affect any entitlement you have to compensation from the FSCS.


Postal Address

RBS marketindex The Royal Bank of Scotland plc 135 Bishopsgate London EC2M 3UR United Kingdom

Posts Tagged ‘RBS’

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

Sluggish Days for the Pound?

The British pound has seen modest gains over the past few trading sessions and is now slightly above the 1.51 figure in relation to the United States dollar. However, this is now without mixed results.

Recent bank stress tests pointed out that all but two institutions (Standard Chartered and RBS) have passed scrutiny and did not exhibit any symptoms of capital shortfalls. This was unfortunately offset by surprisingly sluggish PMI data. (more…)

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Ex-RBS Forex Trader Still Not Sure Why He Was Fired

As pure as the driven snow.

Last time we checked in with Ian Drysdale, he was taking some time to think about what he had done. Well, he’s thought about it—and been fired by RBS, appealed that firing and lost—and he’s still not sure that he did anything wrong vis-à-vis currency manipulation. But he knows who did do something wrong, and it’s RBS. In fact, let’s make it somethingS wrong: First, they’re the ones who fucked up. and second, they “dishonestly contrived” to make him a scapegoat by putting him through a kangaroo court designed to find that the kind of (alleged) market manipulation he had done was not OK. RBS’s response—that Drysdale should have been better at reading between its lines—is not exactly an inspiring defense.

Andrew Cross, RBS’s director of enterprise-wide risk, who handled Drysdale’s internal appeal after he was fired, said the dismissal was justified. “I didn’t get any sense that the claimant adapted his behaviour at any point, despite a clear tightening of conduct standards across the industry,” Cross said in his witness statement….Cross said there had been a clear change in expectations and standards in the industry in recent years that required staff “to modify their behaviour. “He (Drysdale) was consciously doing things that were the wrong side of the line,” Cross said.


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Popular Articles

More forex trader suspensions, this time at RBS

FCA unlikely to go public with its investigation findings before 2015

The Royal Bank of Scotland has announced the suspension of yet another forex trader and unsurprisingly, it is most likely related to the ongoing 4 pm fix investigation. The FX fixings scandal that has engulfed the forex market in recent months is taking another victim and bringing the total number of suspended traders from this particular bank to three, according to a Reuters report .

Julian Munson and Paul Nash have already become victims of their own success as the worldwide investigation by national regulators has started uncovering a set of wrongdoings ongoing over the past several years. Sources cited in the article named the suspended trader as Ian Drysdale. So far about 20 traders have already been suspended, put on leave or fired by their fellow banks.

According to legal experts opinions cited in a report by FX Week. FCA’s investigation into potential FX rates rigging will not become public before 2015. The process is lengthy as the regulator will want to thoroughly analyze vast amounts of data and present substantial evidence to have a solid case on its hands before shooting and going public with this one.

FCA’s defense partner Adam Epstein states that the regulator has very wide powers to obtain gargantuan amount of data and documents. It will take a lot of time to carefully investigate all information collected and to subsequently conduct a set of interviews with people involved in the scandal.

Apparently the investigation has triggered a spree of layoffs/suspensions in major banks as they scramble to rearrange their houses in order. Traders (some of which senior) have already been fired at Deutsche Bank, Citi, JP Morgan and Standard Chartered.

For the full article by Reuters reporting the latest RBS suspension visit their website. for the story citing the FCA going public go to FX Week’s website .

For more on the global Forex industry see the LeapRate-Dow Jones Forex Industry Report.

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Nine banks including RBS settle $2bn forex rigging claim in US court

Nine major banks including Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), HSBC and Barclays have settled a $2bn (£1.28bn) claim brought by investors in a US court for losses caused by the rigging of foreign exchange markets.

The law firm that brought the claim in New York’s southern district court said there was scope for cases to be brought outside the US.

Anthony Maton, a managing partner at the law firm Hausfeld in London, said: “The extent of collusive conduct in the FX market is now clear. US investors will see compensation from these settlements. Others will not.

“There is no doubt that anyone who traded FX in or through the London or Asian markets – which transact trillions of dollars of business every day – will have suffered significant loss as a result of the actions of the banks. Compensation for these losses will require concerted action in London.”

The case comes after banks were hit with record fines for manipulating forex markets, where £3.5tn a day changes hands from Sydney to London and New York. The fines topped £6.3bn, with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issuing penalties alongside US regulators including the Department of Justice.

David Scott, a managing partner of Scott + Scott, another law firm involved in the case, said: “The settlement agreements we have entered into with nine banks go a long way to ensuring that they are being held accountable for their egregious manipulation of the foreign exchange market.”

It was not immediately clear if the banks will incur additional costs to settle the case brought by Hausfeld, as many of them have already set aside billions of pounds to deal with the forex-rigging scandal. RBS said in May that it had reached a settlement in the case and taken enough provisions to cover its bill.

HSBC mentioned the lawsuit in its interim results earlier this month, as did Barclays. although neither said it had been settled.

At least seven other banks are being pursued in the continuing case in the New York court, where the allegation is that they conspired to manipulate prices in the foreign exchange market since 2003.

The ratings agency Moody’s issued updates on its assessments of Barclays and RBS, making reference to the continuing costs of litigation and investigations by regulators. Issuing a stable outlook on RBS, Moody’s said: “Although RBS’s current capital ratios are adequate, our current assessment of the group’s capitalisation considers the risk of volatility in the ratios as the restructuring progresses and pending litigations are settled, as well as its limited ability to raise fresh equity capital as a result of quasi-UK government ownership.”

Moody’s also gave Barclays a stable rating but said its profitability could be held back by weak revenues, as well as high litigation, conduct and restructuring costs.


Banks fined more than £2bn over Forex rigging scandal

Regulators in the UK and US have fined banks more than £2 billion over the foreign exchange (Forex) rigging scandal.

The Financial Conduct Authority said it was imposing the fines for "failing to control business practices in their G10 spot foreign exchange".

12 November 2014 at 7:18am

Forex: RBS reviewing conduct of over 50 staff globally

The Royal Bank of Scotland has said it is reviewing the conduct of over 50 current and former trading employees globally, as well as "dozens" of supervisors and senior management executives.

So far six individuals have been placed into the disciplinary process, RBS also said.

RBS Chairman Sir Philip Hampton said:

The RBS board fully accepts the criticisms within today's announcements and condemns the actions of those employees responsible for this misconduct.

Today is a stark reminder of the importance of culture and integrity in banking and we will rightly be judged on the strength of our response."

– RBS Chairman Sir Philip Hampton

Five banks, including RBS, have been issued fines by the Financial Conduct Authority over the foreign exchange (Forex) rigging scandal for "failing to control business practices".

Last updated Wed 12 Nov 2014

EUR Looking Heavy With General Bearish Price Action – RBS

The euro is looking to recover on some positive news regarding Greece. However, this happiness may not last too long, says the team at RBS.

Here is their rationale:

Here is their view, courtesy of eFXnews:

& # 8220; Traders may have been reluctant to chase traditional growth currencies since they can see rate rises coming in the US and are reluctant to sell dollars. They are also reluctant to sell EUR and JPY further after they have traded to multi-year lows. Meanwhile the EUR has reverted to trading on Greek debt crisis news, even though this is of questionable relevance for the currency.

The price action in EUR remains generally bearish, perhaps more so this week. It has quickly moved back to the lower end of its recent relatively tight range despite news that suggests that Greece will be given more time to come to a new agreement with its EUpartner creditors .

Greek-debt fears have hardly hurt other European assets. Equities in the region are hitting new highs, and have even recovered from recent lows in Greece. And non-core periphery bond spreads (excluding Greece) have narrowed to new lows. This suggests that the power of positive sentiment surrounding the Greek debt crisis to support EUR is waning .”

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About Author

Yohay Elam – Founder, Writer and Editor

I have been into forex trading for over 5 years, and I share the experience that I have and the knowledge that I’ve accumulated. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Like many forex traders, I’ve earned the significant share of my knowledge the hard way. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Before founding Forex Crunch, I’ve worked as a programmer in various hi-tech companies. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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T he slew of dismissals in the wake of the FX market manipulation scandal is coming home to roost for a number of banks. Indeed, as banks came under investigation by UK and US regulators, subsequently incurring some $10 billion in fines, many big banks began a perhaps over-zealous bout of firing embroiled FX traders.

The dismissals may have been too much of a knee-jerk reaction from banks, who sought to save their reputations. Indeed, a number of those fired forex traders have taken legal action against their former employees. claiming that they were unfairly dismissed.

The newest case of a disgruntled former employee is that of Ian Drysdale, a senior FX trader who was suspended from the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) in February 2014 and later dismissed. He has filed a claim at a London employment tribunal against RBS for unfair dismissal and breach of contract, according to Reuters.

The Central London Employment Tribunal said in a filing that the hearing is scheduled to start on September 28 and will run for three days.

Indeed, the repercussions of the trials will likely be a further headache for the banks, who doubtless just want the issue to go away. Only last week, Perry Stimpson highlighted many of the plaintiffs’ concerns that the sharing of client information was widespread and condoned by senior management.

RBS, which has been heavily bailed out by the British government and remains 73% under public ownership, has been hit hard by $1.3 billion in fines related to market manipulation.

The new case by Mr Drysdale may come as somewhat of a surprise, as the bank was forthcoming in announcing that it was conducting enhanced investigations into the forex rigging scandal. RBS has said that in total it has dismissed three employees and suspended another two in relation to the scandal.

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Trade CFD on Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC Stocks - RBS

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Stock CFD Dividend = Stock Dividend

Holders of open CFD positions receive a dividend adjustment equal to the dividend payment amount. If they have a long position open on the instrument at the beginning of trading session on the adjustment payment day (coincides with the ex-dividend date), then dividend adjustment is added to the customer's account. In contrast, the dividend adjustment is deducted from customer's account in case of a short position. Let us imagine that Alcoa Inc. announced a quarterly dividend payment in amount of $0.03, the adjustment dividend accrual date is 08.05.14.

If the trader had a long position open with volume of 1,000 stocks before the beginning of trading session on 08.05.2014, then his account will be credited $30.00 ($0.03 * 1000).

If the trader had a short position, then $30.00 will be deducted from his account.

"> You can see the information on the current dividends payments and dates in the "Stock CFDs Dividend Dates " page.

#L-RBS - Trading Conditions of Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC Stock CFDs

Announcement date Announcement date – the date when the company declares dividend amount, record date and payment date.

Adjustment date Date of adjustment calculation - coincides with the ex-dividend date (the first trading day since which stock buying has been performed without the right to receive the dividend declared.) As far as it refers to the conditions of stock CFD trading the calculation or cancellation of dividend adjustment is applied only if the positions have been opened till the date of adjustment calculation and remain open at least to the start of trading on the day of adjustment calculation.

Record date Record date – the date when the full list of company’s shareholders who will receive the next dividend payment is made. The list includes shareholders who purchased the stock before ex-dividend date.

Dividend adjustment Dividend adjustment - a value equal to the dividend declared in the payment, transferred to an account or held in the client’s account on the day of adjustment calculation. Clients who have opened long positions on stock CFD at the moment of opening trade on the day of adjustment calculation receive dividend adjustment. The adjustment is debited from the Client’s account, if a short position is opened.

Dividend adjustment is given in the quotation currency for 1 stock.

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Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC

Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC is the second largest British bank, one of the largest commercial banks in Scotland. The bank was founded in 1727, it is included in the list of three Scottish banks, owning right to issue banknotes. The headquarter is located in Edinburgh (Scotland).

You can see information on the current dividends payments and dates in the page.

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RBS head of forex in Europe takes 5-month sabbatical

By Jamie McGeever

LONDON, April 29 (Reuters) - Royal Bank of Scotland (LSE: RBS. L - news ) 's head of foreign exchange trading in Europe, James Pearson (NYSE: PSO - news ). is taking a five-month sabbatical, leading to a temporary restructuring of the bank's forex desk, RBS said on Tuesday.

"He is taking a sabbatical for entirely personal reasons. This is in no way linked to any investigation," an RBS spokeswoman told Reuters.

RBS is among several major banks assisting regulators around the world who are investigating allegations of collusion and price-rigging in the global currency market, by far the world's largest financial marketplace.

Pearson was part of a group of chief dealers in London who met up to four times a year with senior Bank of England officials to discuss the main issues and events affecting the currency market until those meetings were discontinued last year.

Pearson could not be reached immediately for comment. He was still listed as "active" on the Financial Conduct Authority's register of approved individuals.

London is the hub of the global foreign exchange market, accounting for around 40 percent of the $5.3 trillion-a-day turnover.

RBS is the seventh-largest foreign-exchange trading bank in the world, according to Euromoney magazine, seeing almost 6 percent of the daily global flow. It has suspended three traders in London as part of its investigations.

Pearson's responsibilities will be shared among three employees on the foreign-exchange desk in addition to their current roles, RBS said.

Damon Reynolds will run the voice cash and NDF business for Europe Middle East and Africa, Simon Manwaring will take on technology-based trading and Scott McMunn will take on the role of head of EMEA currency trading. (Reporting by Jamie McGeever; Editing by Erica Billingham)

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Six RBS Traders Could Be Punished In Forex Probe

Six RBS Traders Could Be Punished In Forex Probe

(Reuters) – Six Royal Bank of Scotland employees could face disciplinary action as part of an inquiry into failings in its foreign exchange trading, the state-backed British lender said on Tuesday. RBS launched an internal review into its FX activities after it was one of six banks fined a combined $4.3 billion last month for failing…

RBS still profitable despite £6 billion impact on revenues due to fines

Despite the blatancy of FX traders within six major global banks in their open discussion via chat rooms and instant messaging during the high profile FX rate manipulation saga which resulted in over a year’s worth of international regulatory resources being poured into putting a stop to the practice, banks are still profitable.

Today, according to the Telegraph. British bank RBS, which is one of the largest banks in the world and accountable for a substantial proportion of interbank FX order flow, will take a £6 billion hit to its profit as a result of recent fines, however the most noteworthy word in that sentence is ‘profit’.

British, American and Swiss national financial regulatory authorities dedicated vast resources to investigating FX rate manipulation among six banks, an operation which span thirteen months, ended with a $4.3 billion collective fine and senior government officials including top level British barrister Lord Grabiner having been responsible for leading investigations. This was a lengthy process, and no doubt costly, however the banks settled these fines, before becoming the subject of criminal law investigations with regard to the conduct of individual employees, one of which was arrested in Billericay, Essex recently.

High profile coverage of bank misconduct, and indeed the misconduct of individual bank employees, along with nine months of low FX volatility has done little to dent the profitability of the operations of major banks, with RBS being no exception.

Analysts at JP Morgan predicted that the taxpayer-owned financial institution faces the biggest remaining bill for misconduct of the major UK banks, more than six years after its £45 billion bail-out.

In total, RBS, Barclays, HSBC and Lloyds face £15.1billion-worth of provisions for expected foreign exchange fines, PPI payouts and penalties related to US mortgages in the next two years, JP Morgan said.

JP Morgan Research Analyst Raul Sinha raised his provision forecasts by £2.8bn on Monday, after stating hat RBS and Barclays would have to put aside more than previously thought.

When including the £11.5 billion of unused provisions the banks already have on their balance sheets, this suggests £26.7billion-worth of remaining fines and redress for the banks.

The bank lost an appeal in the US Supreme Court on Monday this week along with three other banks seeking to derail lawsuits from the Federal Housing Finance Agency over the toxic loans.

The banks had argued that the FHFA had missed a deadline for filing the case. JP Morgan said RBS will have to take an extra £3.1 billion-worth of provisions over the case. Although it is unclear when any fine will come, it is expected as soon as the first quarter of this year.

In July 2014, half way through the investigation into FX rate manipulation, RBS reported its highest first-half profits since its 2008 taxpayer bailout, surprising the City and sparking a sharp rise in the bailed out bank’s share price.

The 10% rise in the shares which added £3 billion to the value of the taxpayer’s stake, took place after it was forced to issue its figures a week early because of the bigger than expected improvement in profits to £2.6 billion for the first six months of the year.

A year and a half ago, when Ross McEwan was named as CEO, the bank had reported a £1.3billion profit.

RBS is no stranger to controversy, most of which has not harmed its fortunes. During the financial crisis at the end of the last decade, incumbent CEO Fred Goodwin gained tremendous public attention by presiding over the bank at a time when his strategy of aggressive expansion primarily through acquisition, including the takeover of ABN Amro, eventually proved disastrous and led to the near-collapse of RBS in the October 2008 liquidity crisis.

The €71 billion (£55 billion) ABN Amro deal (of which RBS’s share was £10 billion) in particular stretched the bank’s capital position. £16.8 billion of RBS’s record £24.1 billion loss is attributed to writedowns relating to the takeover of ABN Amro.

Despite this, and the subsequent cost to the British taxpayer at a time of extreme recession, Mr. Goodwin retired from his position, garnering extensive media and government criticism due to the disclosure in February 2009 of the size of Mr. Goodwin’s pension.

The treasury minister Lord Myners had indicated to RBS that there should be “no reward for failure”, but Mr. Goodwin’s pension entitlement, represented by a notional fund of £8 million, was doubled, to a notional fund of £16 million or more, because under the terms of the scheme he was entitled to receive, at age 50, benefits which would otherwise have been available to him only if he had worked until age 60.

Sir Philip Hampton, RBS’s new chairman, stated that as a result Goodwin is drawing £693,000 a year which was later revised to £703,000 due to Mr. Goodwin working an extra month in the new financial year, and disclosed that under the RBS pension scheme Mr. Goodwin is entitled to draw the pension already, at age 50, because he had been asked to leave employment early, rather than having been dismissed. Although Mr. Goodwin kept his pension rights, and continued to prosper, attempts were made to have his professional status as a banker revoked, and his knighthood was annulled.

In the case of RBS, despite the litany of lawsuits, the taxpayer-funded bail out, regulatory censuring and fines which reach into the tens of billions, the firm continues to hold its position as a vast and profitable entity.

RBS named worst bank for customer satisfaction

Royal Bank of Scotland has been ranked bottom out of more than 30 rivals for customer satisfaction, despite pledges by the bailed out bank to improve its battered reputation.

he survey, carried out by consumer group Which? between September 2015 and January 2016, asked more than 20,000 people how satisfied they were with their current account, savings account, credit card and mortgage provider. As well as placing RBS last, the results put NatWest (which is owned by RBS) in the bottom 10 alongside Barclays, Bank of Scotland (part of Lloyds Banking Group) and Clydesdale, which was recently listed on the stock market. Lloyds is tenth from the bottom.

Which? said the gap between RBS at the bottom and First Direct, owned by HSBC, at the top was 21 percentage points, illustrating the battle faced by the 73%-taxpayer owned bank. The consumer group published the survey as part of its campaign to encourage the Competition and Markets Authority to rethink its ongoing investigation into the banking sector. Which? is concerned the competition watchdog is too focused on encouraging customers to move between providers rather than on dealing with the way banks treat their customers and charge for overdrafts.

Which? executive director Richard Lloyd said: “It’s high time the industry put its customers first, and the competition inquiry needs to ensure banks are held to account for the way they treat them. The big players in this market need to get on the front foot and improve services instead of waiting to be forced into action.”

The CMA investigation has already been delayed beyond its deadline of May. When this was announced, Alasdair Smith, chairman of the retail banking investigation, said: “A number of new suggestions have been made, including proposals aimed at achieving better outcomes for current account customers with overdrafts”.

The findings from Which? will be seen as a blow to Ross McEwan, chief executive of RBS, who has said the bank needs to win back support from customers. He has attempted to make the bank’s products easier to understand by scrapping “teaser rates” and 0% credit card transfers. But customers have also had to contend with IT failures at the bank, including on New Year’s Day when debit cards were declined in shops.

Les Matheson, who runs the personal and business banking operations at RBS and NatWest, said: “While we are disappointed in these results, we are determined to do more and are working with Which? to support its campaign, including raising awareness and education of products, not just for our customers but across the banking industry.”

Tag Archives: Rbs

The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has suspended the bonuses of 18 employees as the bank continues its internal investigation into forex rigging. The bank has so far investigated the conduct of over 50 present an previous staff in relation to the scandal and has looked over millions of documents.

The bank announced yesterday that 18 forex traders employed by the bank would have their bonuses frozen in relation to the investigation. According to the bank’s head of conduct and regulatory affairs, Jon Pain, “no further bonus payments will be made or unvested bonus awards released to those in scope of the review until it has concluded and its recommendations have been considered by the Remuneration Committee and the Board Risk Committee.”

However, it has not been definitely established whether the traders in question have in fact done any wrong, and each is being investigated individually. As such, the number of individuals associated with the investigation and having their bonuses frozen could be subject to change by the time of the final review. Currently, the final review is due for early 2015.

The Foreign Exchange (ForEx) market is currently worth around US$5.3 trillion a day. It involves trading funds into different currencies in order to achieve a profit. By correctly predicting which currencies will rise in value against other monies and then placing funds in those currencies, it is possible for experienced traders to make significant profits (and for novices to make equally significant losses).

The recent scandal surrounds attempts made by certain traders to not just predict the market but deliberately manipulate it in order to rig their investments for success. By trading confidential information about their clients’ investments, traders were able to deliberately coordinate trades in order to noticeably impact the market and boost profits. This is one of the latest in a line of scandals that have impacted public confidence in the banking system in recent years.

RBS was among the banks embroiled in the scandal, and last month was handed a fine worth £400 million by international regulators. The bank is reportedly still in discussion with other regulatory bodies, and could potentially face further fines.

According to an investigation carried out by the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), traders openly boasted about their manipulation of the market in online chatrooms. Transcripts show boasting from a number of traders, including some employed by RBS. Six of the bank’s employees are currently facing disciplinary action, and three of those have been suspended ahead of further investigation into their involvement in the scandal.

The bank has declined to disclose the identities of the eighteen staff who have now had their bonuses frozen.

RBS Suspends Three Employees, May Claw Back Pay Amid Forex Fine

Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc suspended three employees and may claw back pay after it was fined about $636 million in a currency rigging settlement.

Britain’s largest taxpayer-owned bank is reviewing the conduct of more than 50 of its current and former traders, it said in a statement today. The Edinburgh-based lender said it would make a public statement on its progress before the end of the year.

“Those who have been found lacking in conduct or accountability terms will be dealt with appropriately,” Chief Executive Officer Ross McEwan, 57, told reporters on a conference call. “To say that I’m angry would be an understatement.”

RBS agreed to pay 217 million pounds ($346 million) to the U. K.’s Financial Conduct Authority and $290 million to the U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission in a settlement today following a probe into failings at the bank’s foreign-exchange business. Misconduct issues are slowing McEwan’s plan to return the 80 percent taxpayer-owned lender to full private ownership.

Six employees have been put into a disciplinary process by the bank, with three suspended, pending further investigation, RBS said in the statement. Compensation “and possible claw back will be carefully considered” as a result of the fine, RBS said. The review of pay will take a couple of months, said McEwan, without giving a sum of the bonuses that may be withheld.

RBS has sifted through millions of documents and spent thousands of hours investigating allegations employees attempted to rig benchmark currency rates, McEwan said. The cost of its internal probe will run into the “tens of millions” he said. “The investigation is still ongoing, so we are still spending,” he said.

Libor Fine

RBS recovered money paid to some employees and cut bonuses for some executives after it was fined $612 million for manipulating the London interbank offered rate last year.

Other banks may also consider curbs on compensation. Switzerland’s financial markets regulator has limited maximum annual variable compensation to 200 percent of basic salary for foreign exchange and precious-metals employees globally for two years, it said in a statement today.

UBS AG was ordered to pay almost $800 million by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, Britain’s FCA and the CFTC in today’s settlement.

RBS pays dividend access scheme fee, moves closer to shareholder payouts

© InterSignals. The City of London business district is seen through windows of the Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters in London" id="carouselImage" src="http://glocdn. investing. com/trkd-images/LYNXNPEC2L0EW_L. jpg" class="c18" /> © InterSignals. The City of London business district is seen through windows of the Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters in London

LONDON (InterSignals) – Royal Bank of Scotland (LON:) has made a final payment to Britain’s finance ministry to cancel an arrangement that gives the government priority over dividends.

The bank has paid a 1.2 billion pound fee to the Treasury to terminate the dividend access share (DAS), which was put in place after its 45.8 billion pound government rescue during the 2007-09 financial crisis.

The payment is a key step in the process of returning RBS to full private ownership, making the stock more attractive to investors.

“This is another important milestone in our plan to resume capital distributions to our shareholders,” RBS Chief Executive Ross McEwan said in a statement on Tuesday.

The dividend payment will be reflected in the bank’s first quarter 2016 financial statements, reducing Tangible Net Asset Value per share by around 10 pence. The equivalent Common Equity Tier 1 impact at the end of its financial year would have been around 50 basis points, RBS added.

The government has said it wants to sell three-quarters of its stake in the bank over the next five years. It sold a 5.4 percent stake in August, at a loss of 1 billion pounds, and retains a 73 percent shareholding.​

($1 = 0.6980 pounds)

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RBS Investigates Over 50 Staff In Forex Probe

RBS Investigates Over 50 Staff In Forex Probe

Image credit: Chandres (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0] Wiki

The part-nationalised bank updates investors on its review into the rigging of the foreign exchange market.

Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) says it is investigating the conduct of more than 50 past and present staff and suspended bonuses for 18 people as part of its forex scandal inquiry.

In an update today on the accountability review, initiated after it was among five banks fined a total of £2.6bn by regulators last month, RBS said six senior employees had been placed in a disciplinary process.

Three of those members of staff were currently away from their desks, pending continuing investigations, RBS said.

The bank was handed fines totalling £400m in November after it settled separate cases with US regulators and the City watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority.

Settlement notices showed market rules were breached over years through collusion between foreign exchange traders.

The RBS statement on its continuing review said: "These investigations are complex, and the bank is striving to complete the review as soon as possible.

"The bank will provide a further update when the review is complete, which we expect to be in the first quarter."

It added: "Currently the unvested awards of 18 individuals remain suspended pending the outcome of the review."

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RBS Predicts Cataclysmic Year for Markets

That harrowing advice is from The Royal Bank of Scotland, which has warned of a “cataclysmic year” ahead for markets and advised clients to head for the exit. Do not wait. Do not pass go.

“Sell everything except high quality bonds,” warned Andrew Roberts in a note this week. He said the bank’s red flags for 2016 — falling oil, volatility in China, shrinking world trade, rising debt, weak corporate loans and deflation — had all been seen in just the first week of trading.

“We think investors should be afraid,” he said.

Morgan Stanley warned this week that oil could touch $20 a barrel. RBS says if it falls below $30, then $16 is on the horizon.

The world is in a global recession, Roberts wrote. This terrible cocktail means investors should now be thinking about getting a “return of capital, not return on capital.”

RBS compares the market mood with that of 2008 before the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the start of the global financial crisis.

Senior Currency Analyst at Market Pulse

Alfonso Esparza specializes in macro forex strategies for North American and major currency pairs. Upon joining OANDA in 2007, he established the MarketPulseFX blog and he has since written extensively about central banks and global economic and political trends. Alfonso has also worked as a professional currency trader focused on North America and emerging markets. He holds a finance degree from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) and an MBA with a specialization on financial engineering and marketing from the University of Toronto.

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RBS EUR/USD Chart: "awaiting confirming signals"

A piece via eFX with technical analysis on EUR/USD and GBP/USD from RBS:

The EUR/USD medium to long - technical picture has been bearish for a while with a bear flag triggered pointing to the targets as low as 1.05 and 1.01 (with a possibility of extending a dip to 0.96 on a long-term horizon), notes RBS.

However, RBS also notes the EUR/USD near term technical picture is quite different with a sideways theme being in place for two month and 1.0950/81 marking a key resistance area and a bullish flag trigger.

" If the 1.0981 level is broken, the EUR/USD would tactically become bullish to 1.1073 on to 1.1147 and possibly even the main resistance of 1.1220," RBS argues.

" Therefore we exit any shorts and stay flat for now awaiting confirming signals," RBS advises.

Turning to GBP/USD, RBS thinks that the pair may have already seen a base around 1.4075 as inverted H&S triggered and support remains intact.

"This view has been confirmed, as the pair failed to break below 1.4075 Fibonacci swing extension and formed an inverted Head and Shoulders pattern (and accomplished a return move to the neckline level) targeting 1.4547 on to 1.4657," RBS adds.

Therefore, RBS recommends loading tactical longs to 1.4547 on to 1.4657 with a s stop on a close below 1.4180 (right shoulder level = risk level).

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They are not suitable for everyone so please ensure you understand the risks involved and if necessary please obtain investment advice from a financial adviser before investing. This report is not a personal recommendation and does not take into account your personal circumstances or appetite for risk.

RBS set to resume dividends?

This week saw taxpayer-rescued Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) pay the UK treasury a whopping £1.2bn. Por qué? To allow it to restart paying dividends. Great news for shareholders, especially with peer Lloyds (LLOY) having just resumed its own payments. Nothing has been payable on RBS shares since early 2008, much to the discontent of long-term holders, so there was much excitement among clients and eagerness to know more about resumption of the long-lost income and yield that once contributed handsomely (2007 yield: 7%) and made up the cornerstone of investment portfolios. While the news is of course positive and a welcome step in the right direction, there is one small problem……

Peer Lloyds posted another profit in 2015 (pre-tax profit; £1.6bn), allowing it to pay both a normal and special dividend . RBS, on the other hand, clocked up an eighth consecutive year of losses (pre-tax loss; £2.7bn), the aggregate of which now eclipses the £45bn required to bail it out at the height of the financial crisis. A condition of the bailout was that no dividends could be paid out before the bank had been restructured and nursed back to health which makes perfect sense. And while the bank is significantly closer, it is not quite there yet. Capital buffers are much improved, but Business bank Williams & Glynn is yet to be spun off and the previously mammoth investment bank division remains in shrinkage mode. Legal provisions still are still lurking too.

And amid all the excitement from this week’s announcement, shareholders appear to have forgotten that the bank’s FY results disappointed, not just on the financial front but also with news that dividends were unlikely before Q1 2017 . That’s another 12 months to wait, at least. By which time Lloyds could be rewarding shareholders with annual cash returns north of 6%. Maybe even more special dividends. Without heavy restructuring of £2.9bn last year RBS may well have turned a profit, however that restructuring is essential so a loss is a loss.

Don’t forget also that Lloyds has only just resumed dividend payments having patiently waited for a second successive year in the black and for solid growth before daring to promise what long-term income-seeking investors have been needing to hear before diving back in. This week’s news has failed to get RBS shares off their lows and out of a downtrend. Lloyds, however, remains up around recent highs, not far from the price level at which George Osborne can pull the trigger on that £2bn discounted share sale we have been waiting for.

Investors in the UK banks need to decide where their priorities lie: income or share price gains?

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Mike van Dulken, Head of Research, 24 Mar

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HSBC expected to take new forex charge ahead of new fines

HSBC is expected to set aside hundreds of millions more dollars for foreign-exchange manipulation fines this week, as US authorities close in on a settlement with more than half a dozen banks.

A misconduct charge for HSBC, which will be the last big British bank to release first-quarter results when it reports on Tuesday, could bring the total cost of the scandal for the three banks involved to above $5bn (£3.3bn). It will also pile further pressure on HSBC, which is under intense scrutiny following revelations over the tax practices at its Swiss private bank.

On Tuesday, HSBC is due to report a fall in profits as the resurgent dollar, in which the bank reports its accounts, takes its toll.

However, results are likely to be overshadowed by further questions about HSBC’s domicile and the future of its UK bank. At last month’s annual meeting, Douglas Flint, the chairman, told shareholders that the bank would review its UK domicile for the first time in five years . raising the prospect of it leaving Britain after having its headquarters in London for more than two decades.

A new provision for foreign - exchange settlements would be likely to drag profits down further.

HSBC and RBS, along with four other banks including UBS and JP  Morgan, were fined £2.7bn by US, UK and Swiss authorities in November for colluding to manipulate benchmarks in the $5.3 trillion-a-day foreign-exchange market.

However, further settlements with the Department of Justice and Federal Reserve may come as soon as this month, and are expected to be larger than the first round.

Barclays has yet to settle with any regulator, with New York’s Department of Financial Services blocking a deal when the rest of the banks were fined in November. The bank has now put aside just over £2bn in provisions related to expected foreign-exchange fines.

Last week, RBS set aside an extra £334m to cover expected settlements . with its chief executive Ross McEwan saying a fine was likely to come very soon. The bank’s new provision took its remaining fund for settlements to $1bn, and if HSBC were to top up its provisions to a similar amount, it would take a hit of more than $400m on Tuesday.

Analysts at Deutsche Bank expect profits to decline by 17pc in the first three months of the year to $5.7bn, despite an improvement in market volatility boosting revenue at the bank’s trading divisions.

HSBC is under pressure from its shareholders to move abroad after George Osborne raised the bank levy, an unpopular tax on bank balance sheets, in March’s Budget.

The bank is by far the biggest contributor to the tax, and would have to pay it on its UK business only were it to move to Asia, where HSBC already generates most of its profits.

New ring-fencing rules are forcing HSBC to legally separate its UK retail bank from the rest of its business, which could provoke the bank to sell off the UK division.

Shares in the bank have risen since the bank confirmed it was considering leaving the UK.

Forex Institutional Research: RBS Carney To Testify On Brexit

Forex Institutional Research: RBS Carney to Testify on EU Referendum

Key quotes from the report:

Bank of England Governor Carney has, for the most part, declined to give a strong opinion in either direction on the economic impact of the upcoming EU membership referendum. But at his testimony tomorrow before the Treasury Select Committee on Economic and financial costs and benefits of UK’s EU membership, the Governor may lay out a more concrete view on the Bank’s assessment of the risks, though the Governor may stress that he and the institution are not attempting to take sides or influence the debate. My colleagues in currencies research noted in their weekly themes note from Friday that the GBP may continue to be subject to periodic fluctuations as “noise levels” around the referendum rise and fall, and the testimony tomorrow may pull “Brexit” risks front and center again. In his QIR press conference in late-February, Governor Carney stressed that the BoE is engaged in contingency planning but gave few details on the Bank’s view on potential economic impacts of an exit vote.

Aside from Governor Carney’s testimony, the data calendar is somewhat quiet. In the Euro-zone, fourth quarter GDP growth is revised and January industrial production in Germany is expected to bounce back after contracting outright in the final two months of 2015. But with the ECB decision looming large on Thursday, the data releases may have little obvious impact on the EUR. February housing starts in Canada are released and may have a similarly modest currency impact as markets watch the ongoing bounce in oil prices and await the latest guidance from the Bank of Canada on Wednesday. Swiss CPI for January is likely to show Switzerland remains in deflation. Finally, in the US four more states hold primary contests for at least one of the two major parties. For both the Democrats and Republicans, Michigan is the largest contest tomorrow in terms of total delegates up for grabs – results are expected throughout the US evening tomorrow as the polls close.

These notes are intended for information purposes only and are a small sample of the institutional content we post daily within our Trading Hub including full research notes, flow reports and trade desk commentary with trader views

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Patrick has been trading for the past ten years. After liquidating several accounts in his early days he stopped 'gambling' and applied himself as a student of risk. Self taught and more self aware thanks to Mr Market. Patrick applies simple technical strategies based around market price and time structure to identify high probability trade locations.

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Live Forex Webinars 2016: Sign Up Now!

On top of occasional in-house webinars hosted in our Trading Hub, our FX Analysts and traders present regular Live Forex Webinars for select Forex partners, giving you an insight into their trading styles, some techniques and strategies for you to try, and key themes and trends in FX.

Mastering the Engulfing Candlestick Pattern

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Become a Trading Pro in 2016 with our Forex Trading Course!

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RBS Joins FX Manipulation Internal Review

Fallout from global investigations into possible manipulation of the $5.3 trillion-a-day forex market spread on Wednesday, as Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) (RBS. L) said it had sought to reassure clients about rates they were offered while Barclays (BARC. L) said it was cooperating with regulators.

Benchmark foreign exchange rates, often referred to as fixes, are a cornerstone of global financial markets, used to price trillions of dollars worth of investments and deals and relied upon by companies, investors and central banks.

Regulators in the United States, Asia and Europe are investigating possible manipulation of these benchmarks and RBS confirmed on Wednesday it had emailed clients last week to tell them it was reviewing how it trades foreign exchange in the minutes before rates are set.

“We are currently considering processes around the benchmark service. The email does not reflect final policy and we are clarifying this with our clients,” RBS said.

Barclays, meanwhile, said it was reviewing records from its FX trading business going back several years as part of the international probe.

Senior Currency Analyst at Market Pulse

Alfonso Esparza specializes in macro forex strategies for North American and major currency pairs. Upon joining OANDA in 2007, he established the MarketPulseFX blog and he has since written extensively about central banks and global economic and political trends. Alfonso has also worked as a professional currency trader focused on North America and emerging markets. He holds a finance degree from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) and an MBA with a specialization on financial engineering and marketing from the University of Toronto.

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UK FCA and CFTC announce fines for UBS, HSBC, JPMorgan, Citi, and RBS after Forex investigations

UK FCA will continue its investigation into Barclays activity to cover its G10 and wider fx trading business

UK FCA fines JPM $352m, Citi $358, HSBC $343m, RBS $344m and UBS $371m

CFTC fines Citi and JPM $310m each, RBS and UBS $290m each, HSBC $275m for attempted manipulation of fx rates

CFTC orders banks to cease and desist from further violations and take specified steps to strengthen their internal controls and procedure

UK FCA to launch industry-wide remediaton programme after uncovering forex market failings

CFTC says Swiss regulator has issued an order resolving procedings against UBS related to attempted fx manipulation

The BBC has more here on the probe into forex market dealings between 1 January 2008 and 15 October 2013

Seems like an occupational hazard cost to banks but all have vowed to review their forex procedures

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RBS names head of forex trading, Americas

Mandell joins RBS after an 18-year career at Bank of America, where she was most recently head of the global foreign exchange group, with responsibility for both sales and trading. In her newly created role at RBS, Mandell reports locally to Symon Drake-Brockman, head of markets for the Americas. She also reports to Roger Hawes, London-based global head of spot forex trading, and Patrick Olsson, London-based global head of local markets.

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Nine banks including RBS settle $2bn forex rigging claim in US court

HSBC and Barclays also among banks to settle claim brought by investors in New York, but are warned cases could be brought elsewhere

Nine major banks including Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), HSBC and Barclays have settled a $2bn (£1.28bn) claim brought by investors in a US court for losses caused by the rigging of foreign exchange markets.

The law firm that brought the claim in New York’s southern district court said there was scope for cases to be brought outside the US.

Anthony Maton, a managing partner at the law firm Hausfeld in London, said: “The extent of collusive conduct in the FX market is now clear. US investors will see compensation from these settlements. Others will not.

“There is no doubt that anyone who traded FX in or through the London or Asian markets – which transact trillions of dollars of business every day – will have suffered significant loss as a result of the actions of the banks. Compensation for these losses will require concerted action in London.”

The case comes after banks were hit with record fines for manipulating forex markets, where £3.5tn a day changes hands from Sydney to London and New York. The fines topped £6.3bn, with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issuing penalties alongside US regulators including the Department of Justice.

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David Scott, a managing partner of Scott + Scott, another law firm involved in the case, said: “The settlement agreements we have entered into with nine banks go a long way to ensuring that they are being held accountable for their egregious manipulation of the foreign exchange market.”

It was not immediately clear if the banks will incur additional costs to settle the case brought by Hausfeld, as many of them have already set aside billions of pounds to deal with the forex-rigging scandal. RBS said in May that it had reached a settlement in the case and taken enough provisions to cover its bill.

HSBC mentioned the lawsuit in its interim results earlier this month, as did Barclays, although neither said it had been settled.

At least seven other banks are being pursued in the continuing case in the New York court, where the allegation is that they conspired to manipulate prices in the foreign exchange market since 2003.

The ratings agency Moody’s issued updates on its assessments of Barclays and RBS, making reference to the continuing costs of litigation and investigations by regulators. Issuing a stable outlook on RBS, Moody’s said: “Although RBS’s current capital ratios are adequate, our current assessment of the group’s capitalisation considers the risk of volatility in the ratios as the restructuring progresses and pending litigations are settled, as well as its limited ability to raise fresh equity capital as a result of quasi-UK government ownership.”

Moody’s also gave Barclays a stable rating but said its profitability could be held back by weak revenues, as well as high litigation, conduct and restructuring costs.

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RBS suspends bonuses as part of forex review

Royal Bank of Scotland Group suspended bonuses of 18 traders as part of a review of foreign-exchange business in the wake of a $634m (€521.25m) fine.

RBS is reviewing the conduct of more than 50 current and former traders who worked at the investment bank, it said in a statement yesterday. Six employees face disciplinary action, with three of them suspended pending investigations.

A former RBS trader was arrested on December 19 in relation to the UK Serious Fraud Office’s investigation into currency rigging — according to a person with knowledge of the situation.

Regulators in the US, Britain and Switzerland last month ordered six banks, including RBS and HSBC Holdings, to pay about $4.3bn to settle a probe into the rigging of foreign-exchange rates.

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“We are undertaking a robust and thorough review into the actions of the traders that caused this wrongdoing and the management that oversaw it,” Jon Pain, RBS’s head of conduct and regulatory affairs, said in the statement.

“No further bonus payments will be made or unvested bonus awards released to those in scope of the review until it has concluded.”

The SFO confirmed that it had last week arrested a man in Billericay, a town in Essex, east of London. The agency declined to comment on his identity or employment.

RBS was up 0.6% to 390.2p yesterday evening in London trading, valuing the bank at £44.7bn.

CEO Ross McEwan’s efforts to return the 80% government-owned bank to full private ownership have been overshadowed by a series of scandals. Edinburgh-based RBS was also fined £56m in November by British regulators for the 2012 collapse of its computer system that left millions of customers without access to accounts.

The currency settlements last month were the first since authorities began investigating allegations last year that dealers at the biggest banks colluded with counterparts at other firms to rig foreign-exchange benchmarks. Banks could still face further penalties in the probe into misconduct in the $5.3tn-a-day currency market, the world’s largest. The US Justice Department and the SFO are carrying out criminal investigations.

RBS said that given the “complex” nature of the investigations, it will provide a further update when the review is complete, probably in the first quarter.

The lender recovered money paid to some employees and cut bonuses for some executives after it was fined $612m for manipulating the London interbank offered rate last year.

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RBS faces new row over pay after 'forex' scandal: Share bonanza for ex-chief Hester will cause concerns for next Chancellor

By Alex Hawkes, Financial Mail on Sunday 22:08 15 Nov 2014, updated 11:16 16 Nov 2014

Royal Bank of Scotland is facing a political row over a plan to hand its former chief executive millions of pounds in share awards – despite its £400 million fine for rigging the foreign exchange market.

The Mail on Sunday reveals today that Stephen Hester was handed £1 million in RBS shares earlier this year as part of a long-term incentive plan, but RBS will also consider offering him almost £2 million worth of shares early in the new year.

Hester was entitled to the three potential pay-outs under a long-term incentive plan agreed when he left in June of last year. The March payment was the first.

The second will have to be decided early in 2015 and could be worth a further £1.9 million. A third payment could also come in 2016 worth another £800,000 at today’s share price.

The likely payout is set to be at the centre of a fresh row over the bailed-out bank’s pay policies, with whoever becomes Chancellor after the General Election in May forced to make a decision on approving the bank’s pay report within weeks of the poll.

The bank is set to reduce its investment bank’s bonus pool as a result of the foreign exchange rigging, and it will release an accountability review later this year detailing what action it is taking on traders responsible. But politicians are likely to demand the clawbacks go all the way to the top.

A report on the rigging scandal, compiled by City watchdog the Financial Conduct Authority, slammed RBS’s management for its failure to police its traders and stop them from manipulating foreign exchange rates.


The regulator’s settlement with the bank – which is 79 per cent owned by the Government – covered failings from 2008 until October 2013. Hester joined in November 2008 and left in June 2013.

The FCA said: ‘The lack of proper controls by RBS over the activities of its currency traders meant that misconduct went undetected for a number of years.’

Hester’s pay was a long-running sore for the bank during his time in charge. He was forced to give up a series of bonuses, but still earned more than £7 million during his tenure. The bank has said it is looking at clawing back bonuses from traders and supervisors associated with forex

abuses. A bank spokesman said: ‘We are reviewing the conduct of over 50 current and former members of trading staff as well as dozens of supervisors and senior management responsible for this business. We have already placed six individuals into a disciplinary process.’

RBS has said nothing about whether executive remuneration would also be affected. The FCA fined five banks a total of £1.1 billion last week for rigging the foreign exchange market to boost profits of their banks and to increase their individual bonuses – at the expense of bank clients.

It was unclear when victims of the forex scandal would be told. The FCA will not tell victims for fear of prejudicing the Serious Fraud Office’s criminal investigation. RBS declined to comment.

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RBS cuts some forex fixings services as global probe continues

By Patrick Graham

LONDON (Reuters) - Royal Bank of Scotland (LSE:RBS. L - News ) has told clients it will stop accepting orders for a number of currency fixings, citing an internal review and declining comment on any link to a global inquiry into possible manipulation of the daily benchmarks.

RBS said the move, which drops such services around all but the main U. S. and European daily market fixings and a handful of those in major emerging markets, was aimed at balancing the needs of the bank and its customers.

Benchmark foreign exchange rates, or daily fixings, are a cornerstone of global financial markets, used to price trillions of dollars worth of investments and deals and relied upon by companies, investors and central banks.

A spokesman for RBS declined to give details of how many fixings it had dropped in total, or to comment further on the global probe, saying only that the move was the result of the bank's review of procedures around the daily benchmarks.

Banks traditionally accept foreign exchange orders from clients ahead of the fixings and official investigations under way world wide are seeking to establish whether traders used client order information to improperly influence the fixes.

In echoes of the global probe into the manipulation of benchmark interest rates, authorities are investigating whether traders at investment banks shared market-sensitive information with counterparts at other banks to try and rig FX rates, tipping each other off about their positions to try and influence the rate set.

The probes have resulted in the firing or suspension of several traders at major banks.

The WM/Reuters or "London fix" relates to several exchange rates including the euro, sterling, Swiss franc and yen. They are compiled using data from Thomson Reuters (Toronto:TRI. TO - News ) and other providers, and are calculated by WM, a unit of State Street Corp (NYSE:STT - News ). Thomson Reuters is the parent company of Reuters News, which is not involved in the fixing process.

In a letter to clients seen by Reuters, RBS said it would continue to take fixing orders from clients around the London fix, along with its equivalent later in the day in New York and the European Central Bank's 1315 GMT fix.

But the bank also warned clients they should be aware the bank's market activity around the fix could result in moves that would be detrimental to their price interests.

"It is important for you to be aware that in order for RBS to appropriately manage market risk, we may enter the market ahead of the fix," the bank said in the letter.

"This, or other market factors, may result in the market moving for or against you depending on the size of your order relative to market liquidity."

The only other fixes the bank said in the letter it was still offering were the Bank of India's rupee RBI Reference Rate, the dollar-won fix and the Thai baht Weighted Average Interbank Exchange Rate.

(Editing by David Holmes)

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(This story corrects to show that Handelsblatt says it wrongly reported that tax authorities were seeking … More » Citigroup says being investigated in Germany over dividend trades

By Barani Krishnan NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oil prices steadied on Thursday, paring losses after a renewed … More » Oil steadies as U. S. rig count drop offsets stockpile worry

By Heather Somerville and Dan Levine SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U. S. judge questioned on Thursday whether … More » U. S. judge questions Lyft settlement over driver benefits

Billionaire investor William Ackman, whose hedge fund is one the of the biggest investors in drug company … More » Ackman's hedge fund cooperating with U. S. on drug pricing probe: letter

By Huw Jones LONDON (Reuters) - The world's largest banks will have less discretion over how much capital … More » Basel further reins in banks' use of capital models

By Carolyn Cohn and Richa Naidu LONDON (Reuters) - Rising risks in developed countries after a string … More » More frequent attacks on Western countries lifts demand for specialist insurance

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Volkswagen and its Porsche unit on Thursday said they were recalling more than … More » Volkswagen, Porsche recall about 800,000 SUVs to check pedals

By Alexandria Sage SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A federal judge on Thursday gave Volkswagen AG and U. S. … More » U. S. judge sets April 21 deadline for VW diesel fix

RBS suspends two forex traders over ‘currency rigging’

Two more foreign exchange traders in London have been suspended by Royal Bank of Scotland on suspicion of market manipulation as part of an investigation into currency rigging by American regulators.

The Financial Conduct Authority is also escalating its supervision of forex traders in the City after the discovery of further misconduct by the US Department of Justice.

The latest cases relate to the alleged rigging of emerging market currencies, which did not form part of the FCA’s initial investigation.

Last year, six banks paid $4.3 billion in fines to settle with regulators from the United States, Britain and Switzerland.

Yahoo News

RBS says forex fines to influence future pay decisions

LONDON (Reuters) - Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS. L) said it would take into account the $669 million (430 million pound) paid in fines to U. S. authorities following misconduct in its foreign exchange business when making future pay decisions for its staff.

State-backed RBS was one of four major banks which pleaded guilty to trying to manipulate foreign exchange rates and one of six banks to be fined a total of nearly $6 billion in a settlement that substantially ends a global probe into the $5 trillion-a-day market.

The bank, 80 percent owned by the British government, said it had dismissed three people and suspended two more pending further investigation as part of its internal review into the matter.

"We are determined to learn lessons from our past mistakes and to hold those responsible fully to account for their actions," Chief Executive Ross McEwan said on Wednesday.

McEwan's efforts to turn around the bank, which was rescued using 45.5 billion pounds ($71 billion) of taxpayers' money during the 2007-9 financial crisis, have been hampered by issues relating to past misconduct.

The bank is expected to pay billions of dollars to U. S. authorities later this year to settle claims of misconduct in its handling of U. S. mortgage securities.

"It has taken far longer than anyone hoped to root out all the past conduct problems and practices and as a result we still have significant challenges on the horizon," McEwan said.

RBS said the forex fines were covered by its existing provisions and shares in the bank extended earlier gains to trade up 2 percent by 1450 GMT.

($1 = 0.6434 pounds)

(Reporting by Matt Scuffham; Editing by Sinead Cruise)

©AFP Monday 20:00 GMT. US stocks started the week hesitantly as oil prices came under pressure and caution prevailed ahead of central bank policy meetings this week. European equities, by contrast, appeared to take renewed support from the comprehensive programme of stimulus measures announced last week by the European Central Bank. The pan-European Stoxx 600 […]

©Reuters Thursday 20:00 GMT. US stocks briefly pushed into positive territory for the year as a combination of further gains for oil prices and a dovish Federal Reserve made for a bullish session on Wall Street. US Treasury prices also continued to rise — albeit at a slower pace than that seen immediately after the […]

©Bloomberg Friday 14:00 GMT. Global stocks are consolidating at 2016 highs following a big rally in which falling bond yields, stronger commodity prices and a weak dollar played important roles. The FTSE All-World equity index is up 0.2 per cent on the day at 262.2 as the pan-European Stoxx 600 gains 0.2 per cent following […]

©AFP As exchange traded funds have become more popular, the amount of controversy about them has grown. The current ETF debate centres around three key questions. Are there now too many ETFs? Do they contribute to market volatility? Is there something about the way that ETFs work that means they are uniquely challenged in times […]

©Bloomberg Deutsche Börse and the London Stock Exchange are sticking to their script: the combination will be a nil-premium merger of equals. That means the deal is now Intercontinental Exchange’s to disrupt, if it chooses. Deutsche Börse and LSE are promising hefty cost synergies of €450m, or £355m. That’s around £100m better than estimates. Taxed […]

Categorized | Currencies

Posted on October 31, 2013

Royal Bank of Scotland has suspended two traders in its foreign exchange division according to two people familiar with the situation, in another sign that the global probe by regulators into the suspected manipulation of the currency market is rapidly gaining traction.

Some of the world’s largest banks, including UBS, Barclays, Deutsche Bank and RBS, have confirmed they are co-operating with regulators in investigations into the world’s largest financial market, where $5.3tn changes hands each day.

The two traders would be the first RBS employees to be suspended in the widening probe that echoes the Libor interbank lending manipulation scandal.

The bank, which declined to comment on the suspensions, confirmed this month that it has received requests for information from regulators. “Our ongoing inquiry into this matter continues and we are co-operating fully with the FCA and our other regulators,” the bank said two weeks ago.

Last month, people close to the situation said that RBS had turned over records of emails and instant messages to the UK regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, sent to and from a former trader. This trader, Richard Usher, left RBS in 2010 and is understand to have be given leave from his current position as European head of forex spot trading at JPMorgan.

Rohan Ramchandani, head of European spot trading at Citi, went on leave this week, while Matt Gardiner, a former senior currencies trader at Barclays and UBS, was suspended by Standard Chartered this week.

None of these traders have been accused of any wrongdoing.

Mr Usher’s instant message group included bankers at Barclays and Citigroup, people close to the situation said.

UBS said this week it had taken action against some of its employees after the Swiss regulator, Finma, said it was investigating suspected manipulation of the foreign exchange market at a number of Swiss banks.

At least six authorities globally – the European Commission, Finma, Switzerland’s competition authority Weko, the FCA, the Department of Justice in the US and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority – are looking at allegations that bankers colluded to move the currencies market.

HSBC, Citigroup, JPMorgan and Credit Suisse have also launched internal probes or received requests for information from regulators, said people familiar with the situation.

Banks are scouring through years’ worth of instant messages and emails to search for instances of wrongdoing.

News about the probes has rattled traders in an area that has been one of the bigger profit drivers of investment banks’ trading units in past years but which has been challenged this year as low volatility in currencies cuts opportunities for speculators.

Some bankers have tried to play down the affair by saying the vast and highly liquid foreign exchange market is almost impossible to manipulate, but senior traders are saying this is not necessarily true.

A senior trader said that despite the huge volume of daily foreign exchange trading, the fragmentation of liquidity between different trading platforms and banks’ increasing use of their own internal platforms meant that “you can start to get an impact on the market at quite small ticket prices”.

The news came on the same day as Credit Suisse announced it had dismissed a trader at its London exchange traded funds desk this week after he had caused a nearly $6m loss late last year.

“The bank promptly notified the relevant authorities and has been co-operating with its regulators. We are confident the trader acted alone and that the matter has been contained,” Credit Suisse said.

Additional reporting by Delphine Strauss

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Barclays and RBS caught up in Swiss forex inquiry

Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland are among eight banks to come under formal investigation for alleged rigging of the currency markets by the Swiss competition authorities.

The Swiss Competition Commission (Weko) said yesterday that it had found evidence that the banks colluded to manipulate the $5.8 trillion-a-day foreign exchange markets. It said that they may have exchanged information and co-ordinated their activities to influence a currency’s price.

Deutsche Bank, which is not being investigated by Switzerland, has placed on leave Kai Lew, a London-based director of institutional foreign exchange sales, as part of its internal inquiry into possible forex manipulation.

RBS takes $640 million forex hit and warns more to come

By Matt Scuffham

LONDON (Reuters) - State-backed Royal Bank of Scotland has set aside 400 million pounds ($640 million) to cover potential fines for manipulating currency markets and warned further charges for past misconduct would continue to hit its profits.

RBS, 80 percent-owned by the British government following a 45 billion pound bailout during the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009, on Friday joined other big rivals in signaling it is close to agreeing settlements over alleged manipulation of the $5.3 trillion-a-day foreign exchange market.

Rival Barclays said on Thursday it had set aside 500 million pounds to cover potential FX fines, while JP Morgan. UBS and Citi have also set aside large sums.

The forex manipulation, revealed after banks were already under scrutiny for profiteering in the setting of benchmark lending rates such as Libor, relates to daily fixing rates which traders are alleged to have manipulated to suit their own market positions.

RBS also faces a number of other probes relating to past misdeeds which threaten to undermine its turnaround under Chief Executive Ross McEwan, who has steered the bank back into profit this year after it made a loss of 8.2 billion pounds in 2013.

"We are actively managing down a slate of significant legacy issues. This includes significant conduct and litigation issues that will continue to hit our profits in the quarters ahead," McEwan told reporters on Friday.

RBS is being investigated by regulators looking into its selling of bonds backed by residential mortgages in the United States and its treatment of struggling small British firms. The bank is also expected to be fined by British financial regulators for an IT failure two years ago which left customers without access to their bank accounts.

In addition, RBS faces a mounting bill to compensate customers mis-sold loan insurance. It set aside another 100 million pounds to deal with the matter on Friday, taking its total bill to 3.3 billion pounds.

RBS is one of six banks in talks with UK regulators on a deal that would involve them paying about 1.5 billion pounds in a group settlement in relation to alleged forex manipulation, sources have said. They said a deal could come in mid-November and U. S. regulators were also working on a group settlement.

McEwan said RBS would not pay a dividend until it has more clarity over future misconduct charges and has substantially strengthened its capital position, potentially making it more difficult for the government to start selling its shares.

"I don't think we should be thinking about dividends until we've got a really good capital build and seen some of the bumps in the road out of the way," he said.

RBS increased its core Tier 1 capital ratio by 70 basis points to 10.8 percent during the third quarter and its leverage ratio improved by 20 basis points to 3.9 percent. The bank has set a target of holding core Tier 1 capital of more than 12 percent by the end of 2016.

"There's no way we will be paying a dividend until we get ourselves well in advance of that 12 percent target," McEwan said.

Britain's financial regulator expects banks to hold an absolute minimum of 7 percent core capital. However, investors generally expect a ratio of at least 10 percent.

The Bank of England is expected to impose a tougher leverage ratio than the current 3 percent requirement on UK banks later on Friday. It is expected to require banks to hold between 4 and 5 percent, meaning they can lend between 20 and 25 pounds for each pound of capital held in reserve.

RBS said it made a third-quarter pretax profit of 1.3 billion pounds, compared with a loss of 634 million the year before. That was ahead of an average analyst forecast of 1.1 billion compiled by the bank.

An economic revival in Britain and Ireland has enabled RBS to recover debts it had written off. The bank had a net release of previously written-off loans of 801 million pounds during the quarter, ahead of an average forecast of 590 million.

RBS's corporate and institutional banking arm slumped to a loss of 557 million pounds, compared with an 18 million loss a year ago. That reflected charges of 562 million pounds for misconduct, including 400 million for forex fines.

The division, which is being shrunk and focusing on less risky areas, also had significantly lower income, RBS said.

Shares in RBS, which have risen by more than a quarter in the past six months, were up 4.3 percent at 7.45 a. m. EDT. They rose as high as 381.6 pence, their highest in 12 months.

"The build in capital is strong notwithstanding substantial conduct and restructuring provisions," said Deutsche Bank analyst Jason Napier.

RBS said it had decided to keep Ulster Bank, having carried out a review of the business which could have resulted in it being sold off. McEwan said the unit could deliver attractive shareholders returns in future.

Like other British banks, RBS is closing branches in response to customers choosing to bank online instead. It has seen a 30 percent drop in branch transactions since 2010.

McEwan said RBS had already closed 102 branches this year and expects 154 to have shut by the end of 2014, the equivalent of 5 percent of its network.

(Editing by David Holmes and Pravin Char)

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DJIA Futures Today Moving on JPM, C, RBS Forex Scandal

May 12, 2015, here are your stock futures, top market news, earnings reports. pre-market movers, and stocks to watch in the stock market today …

Stock Futures Today

The Dow Jones Industrial Average today slipped 15 points on renewed concerns over Greece's debt problems and a downturn in the Chinese economy. In addition, falling oil prices weighed down the energy sector. Shares of Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE: XOM ) fell 2.48%, Chevron Corp. (NYSE: CVX ) shed 1.19%, and ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP ) slipped 2.81% yesterday.

Top News in the Stock Market Today

The Stock Market Today : Investors will focus on a speech by San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President John Williams, who might offer some insight on when the U. S. Federal Reserve will increase interest rates. Companies reporting earnings today include Zillow Inc. (NYSE: Z ), Encana Corp. (NYSE: ECA ), International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. (NYSE: IFF ), Platform Specialty Products Corp. (NYSE: PAH ), InterOil Corp. (NYSE: IOC ), Ares Management L. P. (NYSE: ARES ), and Arcos Dorados Holdings Inc. (NYSE: ARCO ).

Oil Prices Today: Oil prices were flat this morning as investors are weighing oversupply concerns and a stronger U. S. dollar at a time that economic uncertainty is gripping China. WTI crude were holding at above $60 per barrel this morning. Meanwhile, Brent oil were up nearly 1.4% to hit $66.50 per barrel.

Banks Behaving Badly: The parent companies of as many as five major banks are expected to plead guilty to criminal charges that they knowingly manipulated foreign exchange rates, according to multiple reports out of Washington. The U. S. Justice Department said that five banks are expected to resolve the agency's long-standing investigations into their currency trading practices. Banks expected to plead guilty are JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM ), Citigroup Inc. (NYSE: C ), Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc. (NYSE: RBS ), Barclays Plc. (NYSE ADR: BCS ) and UBS Group AG (USA) (NYSE: UBS ).

Uber Surges: According to multiple reports, car-service app Uber is looking to raise another $2 billion in venture funding. The company is seeking a valuation of more than $50 billion, a level that would make it the world's most valuable startup. The company was previously valued at $41.2 billion. Startups valued at more than $1 billion are on the rise, with an estimated 90 such companies today.

Pre-Market Movers in the Stock Market Today: CMCSA, TWC, HLT, BX, RAX

Pre-Market Movers 1, CMCSA: Shares of Comcast Corp. (Nasdaq: CMCSA ) slipped this morning despite news that it has hired Carlyle Group Co-President Michael Cavanagh as its new CFO. The announcement is symbolic as Cavanagh is a proven dealmaker, one needed after the cable giant was unable to complete an acquisition of Time Warner Cable Inc. (NYSE: TWC ).

Pre-Market Movers 2, RAX: Shares of Rackspace Hosting Inc. (NYSE: RAX ) slipped more than 12% this morning after the company reported weaker-than-expected first quarter revenues and slashed its second-quarter outlook. The cloud-based, web-hosting company said that a stronger U. S. dollar affected its quarter and that it expects revenues in the next quarter to fall in a range between $487.4 million and $492.2 million. That range is down from average Wall Street expectations of $502.1 million in revenues.

Pre-Market Movers 3, HLT: Shares of Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. (NYSE: HLT ) were gaining back some losses from yesterday after it was announced that Blackstone Group LP (NYSE: BX ) planned to sell roughly 103.5 million shares of the hotel operator's stock. The private equity giant is taking some gains from a stock that has gained more than 17% in the last six months.

Stocks to Watch Today: MS, MCD, FXCM

Stocks to Watch No. 1, MS: According to multiple reports, Castleton Commodities International is purchasing the physical oil business of investment giant Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS ). The unit was the largest and oldest oil trading shop on Wall Street, and instantly propels Castleton into the high stakes world of crude and fuel trading.

Stocks to Watch No. 2, MCD: Shares McDonald's Corp. (NYSE: MCD ) are sliding despite news that the company's turnaround is proceeding on schedule. Yesterday, the fast food giant announced plans to simplify its menu and overhaul its prices. In addition to only displaying its top-selling items on its drive-through menu, the company is searching for additional ways to expedite orders. McDonald's shares have been struggling (down 5.2% over the last 12 months) as the company deals with lifestyle changes of American customers, economic uncertainty in Europe, and a damaging food quality scandal in China.

Stocks to Watch No. 3, FXCM . Shares of FXCM Inc. (NYSE: FXCM ) cratered nearly 9% on Monday after the foreign trading company announced a first-quarter net loss of $426.8 million. The company was hammered in January after the Swiss National Bank removed a cap on the Swiss Franc's value.

Today's U. S. Economic Calendar (all times EST)

Redbook at 8:55 a. m.

NFIB Small Business Optimism Index at 9 a. m.

JOLTS at 10 a. m.

4-Week Bill Auction at 11:30 a. m.

San Francisco Federal Reserve President John Williams speaks at 12:45 p. m.

3-Year Note Auction at 1 p. m.

Treasury Budget at 2 p. m.

What Investors Must Know This Week

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RBSMarketplace is an online FX and money market trading system provided by the Global Banking & Markets business of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. It allows you to carry out a wide range of real-time FX dealing services, including spot, forwards and time option contracts – whilst cutting costs and paperwork.

For high volume foreign exchange users our RBS Global Banking & Markets business offers specific solutions for your needs. Please contact us.

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New customers – if you haven’t found what you’re looking for or have any additional questions please call us using the ‘Get in touch ‘ contact information.

Existing customers – contact your Relationship Manager or Director.

Yahoo News

RBS cuts some forex fixings services as global probe continues

By Patrick Graham

LONDON (Reuters) - Royal Bank of Scotland has told clients it will stop accepting orders for a number of currency fixings, citing an internal review and declining comment on any link to a global inquiry into possible manipulation of the daily benchmarks.

RBS said the move, which drops such services around all but the main U. S. and European daily market fixings and a handful of those in major emerging markets, was aimed at balancing the needs of the bank and its customers.

Benchmark foreign exchange rates, or daily fixings, are a cornerstone of global financial markets, used to price trillions of dollars worth of investments and deals and relied upon by companies, investors and central banks.

A spokesman for RBS declined to give details of how many fixings it had dropped in total, or to comment further on the global probe, saying only that the move was the result of the bank's review of procedures around the daily benchmarks.

Banks traditionally accept foreign exchange orders from clients ahead of the fixings and official investigations under way world wide are seeking to establish whether traders used client order information to improperly influence the fixes.

In echoes of the global probe into the manipulation of benchmark interest rates, authorities are investigating whether traders at investment banks shared market-sensitive information with counterparts at other banks to try and rig FX rates, tipping each other off about their positions to try and influence the rate set.

The probes have resulted in the firing or suspension of several traders at major banks.

The WM/Reuters or "London fix" relates to several exchange rates including the euro, sterling, Swiss franc and yen. They are compiled using data from Thomson Reuters and other providers, and are calculated by WM, a unit of State Street Corp. Thomson Reuters is the parent company of Reuters News, which is not involved in the fixing process.

In a letter to clients seen by Reuters, RBS said it would continue to take fixing orders from clients around the London fix, along with its equivalent later in the day in New York and the European Central Bank's 1315 GMT fix.

But the bank also warned clients they should be aware the bank's market activity around the fix could result in moves that would be detrimental to their price interests.

"It is important for you to be aware that in order for RBS to appropriately manage market risk, we may enter the market ahead of the fix," the bank said in the letter.

"This, or other market factors, may result in the market moving for or against you depending on the size of your order relative to market liquidity."

The only other fixes the bank said in the letter it was still offering were the Bank of India's rupee RBI Reference Rate, the dollar-won fix and the Thai baht Weighted Average Interbank Exchange Rate.

(Editing by David Holmes)

FX Fixing Scandal: Barclays and RBS 'Suspend Traders' Amid Regulatory Probes

RBS and Barclays have reportedly suspended traders over the foreign currency market manipulation probe by global regulators (Reuters)

Six Barclays traders and two RBS traders have been suspended amid global regulators' investigations into potential attempts to manipulate the foreign currency markets, according to reports.

It follows news that Citigroup, Standard Chartered and JPMorgan traders had been put on leave. though not suspended or suspected of wrongdoing, in relation to the same probes.

Spokespeople for both Barclays and RBS declined to comment to IBTimes UK . The reports originate from the Financial Times. which also said that none of the traders were suspected of wrongdoing and not all were based in London.

Citigroup's head of European spot currency trading Rohan Ramchandani, Standard Chartered's assistant chief dealer in UK capital Matt Gardiner, and JPMorgan's chief dealer in London Richard Usher are all on leave, reported Bloomberg citing in-the-know anonymous sources .

It has previously been reported that JPMorgan's Usher would be at the centre of regulators' inquiries over his time at former employer RBS, which has already handed over a number of instant messages to the UK regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Swiss, US, Hong Kong and UK financial regulators are investigating instant messaging communications used by traders to see if there is evidence of attempts to manipulate the foreign currency market worth $5tn (£3.1tn, €3.6bn) in daily business.

Barclays shares were down by more than 2% at around 15:00 GMT on the London Stock Exchange, while RBS shares had dropped by over 6% off the back of its third quarter report .

After media speculation, the FCA confirmed it is investigating the foreign currency market following alleged attempts to manipulate it by some of the world's largest financial institutions.

Each day, around $5tn changes hands in the world's currency market. It is the largest market in the financial system.

US, Swiss and Hong Kong regulators are reported to have launched their own investigations into allegations of currency market manipulation.

"We can confirm that we are conducting investigations alongside a number of other agencies both in the UK and abroad into a number of firms relating to trading on the foreign exchange (forex) market," said a spokesman for the FCA.

"As part of this we are gathering information from a wide range of sources including market participants. Our investigations are at an early stage and it will be some time before we conclude whether there has been any misconduct which will lead to enforcement action.

"We will not comment further on our investigations."

None of the global regulators have gone into detail over exactly who they are investigating and on what specific allegations.

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#L-RBS - Trading Conditions of Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC Stock CFDs

Announcement date Announcement date – the date when the company declares dividend amount, record date and payment date.

Adjustment date Date of adjustment calculation - coincides with the ex-dividend date (the first trading day since which stock buying has been performed without the right to receive the dividend declared.) As far as it refers to the conditions of stock CFD trading the calculation or cancellation of dividend adjustment is applied only if the positions have been opened till the date of adjustment calculation and remain open at least to the start of trading on the day of adjustment calculation.

Record date Record date – the date when the full list of company’s shareholders who will receive the next dividend payment is made. The list includes shareholders who purchased the stock before ex-dividend date.

Dividend adjustment Dividend adjustment - a value equal to the dividend declared in the payment, transferred to an account or held in the client’s account on the day of adjustment calculation. Clients who have opened long positions on stock CFD at the moment of opening trade on the day of adjustment calculation receive dividend adjustment. The adjustment is debited from the Client’s account, if a short position is opened.

Dividend adjustment is given in the quotation currency for 1 stock.

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Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC

Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC is the second largest British bank, one of the largest commercial banks in Scotland. The bank was founded in 1727, it is included in the list of three Scottish banks, owning right to issue banknotes. The headquarter is located in Edinburgh (Scotland).

You can see information on the current dividends payments and dates in the page.

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RBS says forex fines to influence future pay decisions

Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS. L) said it would take into account the $669 million (430 million pound) paid in fines to U. S. authorities following misconduct in its foreign exchange business when making future pay decisions for its staff.

State-backed RBS was one of four major banks which pleaded guilty to trying to manipulate foreign exchange rates and one of six banks to be fined a total of nearly $6 billion in a settlement that substantially ends a global probe into the $5 trillion-a-day market.

The bank, 80 percent owned by the British government, said it had dismissed three people and suspended two more pending further investigation as part of its internal review into the matter.

"We are determined to learn lessons from our past mistakes and to hold those responsible fully to account for their actions," Chief Executive Ross McEwan said on Wednesday.

McEwan's efforts to turn around the bank, which was rescued using 45.5 billion pounds ($71 billion) of taxpayers' money during the 2007-9 financial crisis, have been hampered by issues relating to past misconduct.

The bank is expected to pay billions of dollars to U. S. authorities later this year to settle claims of misconduct in its handling of U. S. mortgage securities.

"It has taken far longer than anyone hoped to root out all the past conduct problems and practices and as a result we still have significant challenges on the horizon," McEwan said.

RBS said the forex fines were covered by its existing provisions and shares in the bank extended earlier gains to trade up 2 percent by 1450 GMT.

($1 = 0.6434 pounds)

(Reporting by Matt Scuffham; Editing by Sinead Cruise)

RBS Warns: Sell Everything - RBS economists have urged investors to sell everything except high-quality bonds, warning of a “fairly cataclysmic year ahead.”

Writing in a client note dated Jan. 8, the bank’s European rates research team said that clients should be concentrating on return of capital, not return on capital, and that an ominous outlook to the world economy “all looks similar to 2008.”

The note is particularly bearish on China and global commodities, and predicts that oil could fall as low as $16 a barrel. In a grim set of predictions, Andrew Roberts, head of European economics, rates & CEEMEA research said that the world has far too much debt to be able to grow well. He also warned that advances in technology and automation are set to wipe out up to half of all jobs in the developed world. The note says equities could fall 10% to 20%. It predicts the year will be spent focusing on how to exit positions that have benefited from long-running QE, including emerging markets, credit and equities. “The world is slowing, trade is slowing, credit is slowing, we are in a currency war, global disinflation is turning to global deflation as China finally realizes what it needs to do (devalue soon, and sharp) and the U. S. then, against ALL THIS countervailing pressure, then stokes the fire by hiking rates,” Mr. Roberts wrote.

While the Fed’s interest rate move last year suggests a positive outlook for the U. S. the ECB’s quantitative easing is having a powerful effect, and eurozone activity picked up at the end of last year, there are undeniable headwinds, not least from China, oil and commodities.

Mr. Roberts has been bearish on the global macro outlook since late November, and has since then has written in client notes of the similarities between now and the run-up to the financial crisis.

Bears Out in Force

Although RBS’s note is particularly gloomy, it’s not the first bank to kick off the year with a series of bearish predictions on the world economy:

JP Morgan on Tuesday became the third bank to push back its forecast for the timing of a Bank of England rate rise, joining Goldman Sachs and Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Morgan Stanley wrote in a note on Monday that oil prices could fall a further 10% to 25% if the dollar continues to strengthen.

Other major banks including Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale and Macquarie have also cut their oil forecasts in the past week. Standard Chartered in fact said it could fall as low as $10 a barrel, but that’s not its main price scenario.

Ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has more companies on a negative outlook than at any time since the financial crisis.

A survey published by M&G and YouGov on Tuesday, based on data collected in the final quarter of 2015, shows that U. K. consumer inflation expectations are at their lowest level in three years.

Yahoo News

RBS takes $640 million forex hit and warns more to come

A man walks past a branch of The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) in central London August 27, 2014. REUTERS/Toby Melville More

By Matt Scuffham

LONDON (Reuters) - State-backed Royal Bank of Scotland has set aside 400 million pounds ($640 million) to cover potential fines for manipulating currency markets and warned further charges for past misconduct would continue to hit its profits.

RBS, 80 percent-owned by the British government following a 45 billion pound bailout during the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009, on Friday joined other big rivals in signaling it is close to agreeing settlements over alleged manipulation of the $5.3 trillion-a-day foreign exchange market.

Rival Barclays said on Thursday it had set aside 500 million pounds to cover potential FX fines, while JP Morgan. UBS and Citi have also set aside large sums.

The forex manipulation, revealed after banks were already under scrutiny for profiteering in the setting of benchmark lending rates such as Libor, relates to daily fixing rates which traders are alleged to have manipulated to suit their own market positions.

RBS also faces a number of other probes relating to past misdeeds which threaten to undermine its turnaround under Chief Executive Ross McEwan, who has steered the bank back into profit this year after it made a loss of 8.2 billion pounds in 2013.

"We are actively managing down a slate of significant legacy issues. This includes significant conduct and litigation issues that will continue to hit our profits in the quarters ahead," McEwan told reporters on Friday.

RBS is being investigated by regulators looking into its selling of bonds backed by residential mortgages in the United States and its treatment of struggling small British firms. The bank is also expected to be fined by British financial regulators for an IT failure two years ago which left customers without access to their bank accounts.

In addition, RBS faces a mounting bill to compensate customers mis-sold loan insurance. It set aside another 100 million pounds to deal with the matter on Friday, taking its total bill to 3.3 billion pounds.

RBS is one of six banks in talks with UK regulators on a deal that would involve them paying about 1.5 billion pounds in a group settlement in relation to alleged forex manipulation, sources have said. They said a deal could come in mid-November and U. S. regulators were also working on a group settlement.

McEwan said RBS would not pay a dividend until it has more clarity over future misconduct charges and has substantially strengthened its capital position, potentially making it more difficult for the government to start selling its shares.

"I don't think we should be thinking about dividends until we've got a really good capital build and seen some of the bumps in the road out of the way," he said.

RBS increased its core Tier 1 capital ratio by 70 basis points to 10.8 percent during the third quarter and its leverage ratio improved by 20 basis points to 3.9 percent. The bank has set a target of holding core Tier 1 capital of more than 12 percent by the end of 2016.

"There's no way we will be paying a dividend until we get ourselves well in advance of that 12 percent target," McEwan said.

Britain's financial regulator expects banks to hold an absolute minimum of 7 percent core capital. However, investors generally expect a ratio of at least 10 percent.

The Bank of England is expected to impose a tougher leverage ratio than the current 3 percent requirement on UK banks later on Friday. It is expected to require banks to hold between 4 and 5 percent, meaning they can lend between 20 and 25 pounds for each pound of capital held in reserve.

RBS said it made a third-quarter pretax profit of 1.3 billion pounds, compared with a loss of 634 million the year before. That was ahead of an average analyst forecast of 1.1 billion compiled by the bank.

An economic revival in Britain and Ireland has enabled RBS to recover debts it had written off. The bank had a net release of previously written-off loans of 801 million pounds during the quarter, ahead of an average forecast of 590 million.

RBS's corporate and institutional banking arm slumped to a loss of 557 million pounds, compared with an 18 million loss a year ago. That reflected charges of 562 million pounds for misconduct, including 400 million for forex fines.

The division, which is being shrunk and focusing on less risky areas, also had significantly lower income, RBS said.

Shares in RBS, which have risen by more than a quarter in the past six months, were up 4.3 percent at 7.45 a. m. EDT. They rose as high as 381.6 pence, their highest in 12 months.

"The build in capital is strong notwithstanding substantial conduct and restructuring provisions," said Deutsche Bank analyst Jason Napier.

RBS said it had decided to keep Ulster Bank, having carried out a review of the business which could have resulted in it being sold off. McEwan said the unit could deliver attractive shareholders returns in future.

Like other British banks, RBS is closing branches in response to customers choosing to bank online instead. It has seen a 30 percent drop in branch transactions since 2010.

McEwan said RBS had already closed 102 branches this year and expects 154 to have shut by the end of 2014, the equivalent of 5 percent of its network.

(Editing by David Holmes and Pravin Char)

Home / General / RBS – How to trade NFP – Scenarios and Trades

RBS – How to trade NFP – Scenarios and Trades

Stronger-than-expected employment should keep the Fed on pace to hike the Fed Funds rate in September, and pulling forward of expectations could support the USD. A stronger USD and pulled-forward rate hike expectations could pressure commodity prices and weigh on commodity exporter currencies. The quick re-acceleration of the EUR positioning squeeze in recent days suggests EUR short positions remain entrenched, and the EUR, could be an outperformer if weak payrolls puts the US economic and monetary policy divergence narrative under pressure. With officials suggesting they are keeping an eye on FX developments in Japan, JPY may strengthen on weak payrolls as well.

Scenarios and Trades 300k and above – A swift repricing of FOMC tightening expectations would likely put broad upward pressure on the USD. USD/JPY could rise, putting pressure on emerging Asia FX as competitiveness is hit. Long USD/JPY, Long USD/KRW

250k to 300k – A solid payroll report that could support the USD. A stronger USD paired with heightened expectations for tighter FOMC policy may put downward pressure on commodity prices. Canada releases its own May payrolls data tomorrow, proving a risk that the CAD moves are exacerbated by its own domestic report. Long USD/CAD

200k to 250k – While one could argue that a low 200k print would be a disappointment, we see persistent gains above 200k as sufficient to keep downward pressure on the unemployment rate and satisfies the Fed’s criteria of “continued improvement in the labour market.” (Our economists discuss this point at length in their preview, linked on p 1) This result may be neither strong nor weak enough to alter the current narrative, but a result in this range likely keeps the FOMC on track to hike the policy rate in September. Wage inflation readings may drive the USD. No Trade

150k to 200k – A disappointment, especially when taken in context of other indicators that have shown improvement. Short USD/JPY 150k or below – The European reflation narrative has quickly returned to focus amid a single upside surprise in Euro-area core inflation, pressuring the “EUR/USD lower on monetary policy and growth divergence” narrative from the EUR front, even as the US data have looked stronger. Surprisingly weak payrolls could put this theme under even further pressure, and sharp moves in European FI in recent days suggest short EUR positioning remains entrenched. Long EUR/USD

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Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC RBS (U. K. London)

P/E Ratio (TTM) The Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio, a key valuation measure, is calculated by dividing the stock's most recent closing price by the sum of the diluted earnings per share from continuing operations for the trailing 12 month period. Earnings Per Share (TTM) A company's net income for the trailing twelve month period expressed as a dollar amount per fully diluted shares outstanding. Market Capitalization Reflects the total market value of a company. Market Cap is calculated by multiplying the number of shares outstanding by the stock's price. For companies with multiple common share classes, market capitalization includes both classes. Shares Outstanding Number of shares that are currently held by investors, including restricted shares owned by the company's officers and insiders as well as those held by the public. Public Float The number of shares in the hands of public investors and available to trade. To calculate, start with total shares outstanding and subtract the number of restricted shares. Restricted stock typically is that issued to company insiders with limits on when it may be traded. Dividend Yield A company's dividend expressed as a percentage of its current stock price.

Key Stock Data

P/E Ratio (TTM)


Market Cap

Shares Outstanding

Public Float


RBS has not issued dividends in more than 1 year.

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Ex-Dividend Date

Shares Sold Short The total number of shares of a security that have been sold short and not yet repurchased. Change from Last Percentage change in short interest from the previous report to the most recent report. Exchanges report short interest twice a month. Percent of Float Total short positions relative to the number of shares available to trade.

Short Interest ()

Money Flow Uptick/Downtick Ratio Money flow measures the relative buying and selling pressure on a stock, based on the value of trades made on an "uptick" in price and the value of trades made on a "downtick" in price. The up/down ratio is calculated by dividing the value of uptick trades by the value of downtick trades. Net money flow is the value of uptick trades minus the value of downtick trades. Our calculations are based on comprehensive, delayed quotes.

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Arrested RBS forex trader named as Paul Nash

London - Royal Bank of Scotland currency trader Paul Nash has become the first individual arrested in connection with a global inquiry into alleged manipulation in the foreign exchange market, sources familiar with the matter said on Thursday.

Nash, who was suspended by RBS in 2013, was named by the sources as the man arrested in Billericay, southeast England, on December 19. One of the sources said his arrest came only days before he emigrated to Canada.

Nash emigrated to Canada on Christmas Day and has rented out his family home, the source said. His arrest was not by appointment, as is typical in such cases, but was an "arrest and raid", the source added.

Nash, who has not been charged with any offence, appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court on December 23 over variations to his bail conditions, a court official confirmed. These included that he would reside at a specified address in British Columbia.

Attempts to reach Nash via LinkedIn were unsuccessful.

Market on a tighter leash

Britain's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) said only that a 48-year-old man had appeared at the London court on December 23 in connection with a global investigation into allegations of manipulation in the $5.3 trillion-a-day forex market.

The increasingly aggressive agency, which is preparing for the trials this year of individuals alleged to have manipulated global benchmark interest rates, said last July that it might file the first charges in the high-profile inquiry this year.

About 30 forex traders have been put on leave, suspended or fired as prosecutors and regulators continue to examine allegations of wrongdoing in the world's largest market.

RBS, a state-backed British lender that has been reviewing the conduct of more than 50 current and former traders, said in December that six employees could face disciplinary action.

It declined to comment further on Thursday.

The bank was one of six lenders fined a combined $4.3bn by regulators last November for failing to stop traders trying to manipulate currency markets.

The other banks to settle British and US regulatory allegations of failings were HSBC Holdings, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Citigroup, UBS and Bank of America Corporation.

The US Department of Justice, Federal Reserve and New York's financial regulator are among those still investigating banks over foreign exchange trading in an inquiry that has put the largely unregulated market on a tighter leash and accelerated the push to automated trading.

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December 10th 2015 in News, People

Jeremy Smart has left his role as ‎managing director, head of fixed income electronic distribution at Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Markets & International Banking, according to Profit & Loss sources. Smart joined RBS in August 2012 after seven-years at Morgan Stanley, where he was head of fixed income e-commerce and global head of e-commerce sales. Sources suggest Smart is joining XTX Markets as head of sales, but this could not be confirmed. RBS declined to comment, and sources say no successor has yet been named. nick@profit-loss. com Twitter @Profit_and_Loss

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RBS head of forex takes sabbatical

London - Royal Bank of Scotland's head of foreign exchange trading in Europe, James Pearson, is taking a five-month sabbatical, leading to a temporary restructuring of the bank's forex desk, RBS said on Tuesday.

“He is taking a sabbatical for entirely personal reasons. This is in no way linked to any investigation,” an RBS spokeswoman told Reuters.

RBS is among several major banks assisting regulators around the world who are investigating allegations of collusion and price-rigging in the global currency market, by far the world's largest financial marketplace.

Pearson was part of a group of chief dealers in London who met up to four times a year with senior Bank of England officials to discuss the main issues and events affecting the currency market until those meetings were discontinued last year.

Pearson could not be reached immediately for comment.

He was still listed as “active” on the Financial Conduct Authority's register of approved individuals.

London is the hub of the global foreign exchange market, accounting for around 40 percent of the $5.3 trillion-a-day turnover.

RBS is the seventh-largest foreign-exchange trading bank in the world, according to Euromoney magazine, seeing almost 6 percent of the daily global flow.

It has suspended three traders in London as part of its investigations.

Pearson's responsibilities will be shared among three employees on the foreign-exchange desk in addition to their current roles, RBS said.

Damon Reynolds will run the voice cash and NDF business for Europe Middle East and Africa, Simon Manwaring will take on technology-based trading and Scott McMunn will take on the role of head of EMEA currency trading. - Reuters


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Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, the largest government lender in the U. K. said on Tuesday its third-quarter earnings dropped on higher restructuring costs.

Pretax profit in the three months through September recorded 842 million pounds, down from 2.05 billion pounds a year earlier, compared to analysts’ projections of 988 million pounds.

The high restructuring costs worth 847 million pounds, compared to 167 million pounds a year ago, resulted in the sharp fall in earnings.

However, Chief Executive Officer Ross McEwan “we’re making really good progress against the targets we’ve set ourselves and we’re becoming a much stronger bank.”

Before resuming dividends, RBS has to achieve “very, very good stress test results” in 2016, McEwan added.

RBS shares edged down 1.71 percent, or 5.50 points, to 315.20 pence in London, as of 11:40 GMT.

About the Author. Ahmed Mamdouh

Ahmed Mamdouh, Co-Founder and Head of English Fundamental Analysis at FXComment. com, with 7 years of experience in the financial markets. Mamdouh holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from The American University in Cairo and a Bachelor Degree in Economics from The Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.

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The Big Short in China – RBS


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James Nelligan, Currency Research Analyst at RBS, suggests that central to any China and risk discussion is the pace of domestic capital flight and associated drain on FX reserves.

“China’s capital account liberalization is gradual. We believe there is significant demand for foreign assets that currently cannot translate itself into a larger IIP (international investment position) because the capital account is not yet sufficiently open. The result is a subdued IIP, at 13% of GDP, relative to demand for foreign assets. Looking at economies that have a more conventional relationship between the current account and the IIP we can begin to gauge how much capital would leave China if the IIP were to move up to international ‘norm’, represented by the trend line in the left hand chart below.

We estimate around $1.18tn of capital outflow could occur under that scenario, which could take China’s FX reserves down to $2.04tn and below IMF reserve adequacy levels (assuming PBoC intervention to offset depreciation pressure on the Rmb stemming from the capital outflow).

Recently China took another step on the road to further capital account liberalisation by giving overseas financial institutions (including pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, foreign central banks, insurers, securities firms and asset managers) access to the domestic interbank bond market, the third largest bond market in the world. Although this measure is designed to offset capital outflow by encouraging portfolio inflows, it reinforces the idea that China is gradually opening its capital account.

PBoC governor Zhou marginally altered the monetary policy language of the central bank to one of a “slight easing bias” this week. We believe more easing can encourage further capital outflow.”

James Nelligan, Currency Research Analyst at RBS, suggests that central to any China and risk discussion is the pace of domestic capital flight and associated drain on FX reserves.

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)



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RBS Share Values Jump

Quite out of the blue the UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer yesterday announced that he has decided the time is right for the Government to sell of its entire stock of shares in RBS. This had the immediate impact of increasing the value of the bank by a whopping £431million and shares increased in price instantly by 6.7p meaning each RBS share is now worth 361.5 .

In fact if you had placed some Binary Options trades on RBS yesterday you are probably laughing all the way to the bank yourself, or licking your wounds if you were on the wrong side of those trades!

However, with the announcement that all of the UK Governments holding of shares would be sold off and with the breakeven point being £5 per share . that does of course mean a huge financial loss of the UK tax payer and many commentators are questioning the wisdom of selling off the shares now which will result in a financial loss for the tax payer.

In fact many people have commented on how similar a thing that would be to do as when Gordon Brown the ex-chancellor decided to sell of a large amount of the UK’s gold reserves, which has proven to be one of the most costly things ever done by a Chancellor of the Exchequer.

However, he is unlikely to now want to back track on his decision to sell of the shares in RBS, and as such as a Binary Options trader you should now be using that information to place some well placed Binary Options trades on the value of RBS shares, as they are sure to be bouncing around in value for the foreseeable future.

In fact if the shares do increase in value, which is probably what the Chancellor is hoping they will do then the financial loss overall to the tax payer will be reduced, however if they swing the other way in value and the share price drops, then that loss to the tax payer will be even greater!

All of our featured and fully licensed and regulated Binary Options Brokers will offer you all manner of different trading opportunities on RBS, and as such do consider signing up to any of them if you are interested in taking a punt on the value of RBS shares in the coming days, weeks or months, as there may be some large financial gains and profits to be made if you do!

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Barclays And RBS Fined Over Forex Abuses

Posted on 20th May 2015 by Sky News

Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland and three other banks have been fined almost £4bn over the manipulation of foreign exchange and currency rates.

Four of the institutions – JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Barclays and RBS – agreed to plead guilty to US criminal charges over manipulation of foreign exchange rates, the US Department of Justice said.

The fifth bank, UBS, will plead guilty to rigging benchmark interest rates, the Justice Department said.

Barclays will pay $650m (£418m) in criminal penalties and RBS $395m (£254m).

JPMorgan Chase will pay $550m (£353m) and Citigroup will pay $925m (£595m) in criminal fines as part of their guilty pleas.

Barclays also will pay an additional $1.3bn (£836m) to settle with the New York state Department of Financial Services, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), authorities said.

As part of the New York banking regulator’s agreement, Barclays will fire eight bank employees involved with rigging foreign exchange rates, the New York regulator said.

The amount Barclays will pay to the FCA is £284.4m – the largest financial penalty ever imposed by the FCA.

Georgina Philippou, the FCA’s acting director of enforcement and market oversight, said: “This is another example of a firm allowing unacceptable practices to flourish on the trading floor.

“Instead of addressing the obvious risks associated with its business, Barclays allowed a culture to develop which put the firm’s interests ahead of those of its clients and which undermined the reputation and integrity of the UK financial system.”

The criminal behavior took place between December 2007 and January 2013, according to the agreement.

AUD/USD tracking the metals and commodities, be careful – RBS

Analysts at RBS explained that the industrial metal prices remain weak, in part due to weak demand and oversupply concerns and the LME and SSE data shows that base metals are down between 6- and 28% YtD, in USD terms.

“Weakness in China is conveniently cited as the primary driver. However, with China’s import volumes either holding steady or rising across major industrial metals, [we] believe a strong Dollar and over-supply (in some markets) have been the major drivers behind the price fall.

“Be cautious that bearish commodity trades are over-crowded, via FX, rates, commodity futures and/or ETFs thereof. There are gaping holes on some of the explanations offered for this commodity price drop, and for that reason, we remain wary that a squeeze in these overcrowded positions is potentially not too far away; and/or

Consider that if the commodity super-cycle is indeed over, and rebalancing for some of the exporters expected to take years, there ought to be differentiation within commodity FX bloc. Those commodity exporters with strong manufacturing and/or service sectors should benefit from currency depreciation. Mexico, Canada and Australia are in this group. However, those overly reliant on commodity exports for the bulk of their revenues will continue to underperform. Chile, Russia, Nigeria, Peru, Colombia and much of the CIS (particularly Kazakhstan) are in this category. South Africa and Malaysia are potentially in the middle of these two groups.”

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